Ottawa Citizen

No quick fix to Afghanista­n crisis


There are many reasons why Afghanista­n is in the chaos it is today. One of the most important reasons is the logic used by the politician­s in our Western democracie­s. Our politician­s cannot acknowledg­e that a problem exists unless they can also describe the solution in simple “sound bite” terms. No politician is willing to admit they don't have a solution to every problem. Thus, complex problems cannot be acknowledg­ed.

In Afghanista­n, politician­s saw what they wanted to see: Afghanista­n functionin­g as a democracy with a robust military for self-defence. So, the Afghanista­n problem had been solved. No one asked the hard questions, and any evidence to the contrary was ignored or ridiculed.

What they refused to see, as they had no simple answer for it, was that Afghanista­n was a house of cards. An inept and corrupt government mismanagin­g a highly divided country, backed by a poorly trained and under supported military. No politician wanted to admit the truth, that after 20 years and countless billions of dollars spent they had failed.

“Solving” Afghanista­n by building a real working democracy will take many years. No one knows how to build a democracy in a country so divided by cultural, language, religious and tribal difference­s. There is no simple solution. To make loyalty to a central government more important than loyalty to the local tribal or religious leader is an incredibly difficult task that will take strong, honest Afghan leaders, and multiple generation­s to solve. It won't be fixed by any politician's sound bites.

Keith Dawson, Nepean

 ?? WAKIL KOHSAR / AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? After the deadly chaos in Kabul, Afghanista­n, building a real working democracy will take years, readers say.
WAKIL KOHSAR / AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES After the deadly chaos in Kabul, Afghanista­n, building a real working democracy will take years, readers say.

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