Ottawa Citizen

Shooter had long history of domestic abuse


• The former wife of the man responsibl­e for the 2020 mass shooting in Nova Scotia says he once pinned her to the floor during a fit of rage, confirming that the killer's violence toward women extended back to the 1990s.

The woman, who is not named in documents recently released by a public inquiry into the mass shooting, talked to police on April 29, 2020 — 10 days after the killer's rampage claimed 22 lives in northern and central Nova Scotia.

The woman's statement, which includes details about a second violent outburst, is now part of a growing narrative detailing Gabriel Wortman's decades-long pattern of violence toward women.

That chronology includes a statement from a former neighbour who said she told RCMP that the man attacked his spouse, Lisa Banfield, when they were living in Portapique, N.S., in 2013.

Lawyers are calling on the inquiry to ask the neighbour, Brenda Forbes, to provide in-person witness testimony as the commission explores the role genderbase­d violence played in the tragedy.

In the case of the killer's first wife, the interview with police also includes her descriptio­n of incidents in the 1990s when her husband's drinking would contribute to violent rages. During one incident at the couple's home in Dartmouth, N.S., the former wife recalled how he used a hammer to smash a collection of shelves and expensive figurines when he was triggered by the sight of dust on the shelves.

When she fled from the home, he threatened to smash her car windows with the hammer, she told police.

“There was another time he got very upset when he was drinking ... he actually pinned me down on the floor that day,” she said. “I was very scared that day, too.”

After the 2020 killings, several of the gunman's neighbours in Portapique came forward to describe the man as jealous, controllin­g and abusive. And police confirmed that on the night the murders started, he had bound and attacked his longtime partner.

The next day, Banfield told police that her spouse had devolved from a “loving, kind and generous” man when they met, to a moody partner who since 2003 had routinely assaulted her.

“In the past, he was abusive and I would appease him and say whatever I could to make it stop,” she told RCMP Staff Sgt. Greg Vardy during an interview at the Colchester East Hants Health Centre in Truro, N.S.

Banfield told the RCMP she didn't report the abuse because she “didn't want to get him in trouble. And in hindsight, I wish I would've, because maybe this wouldn't have happened.”

At the time of the interview, Banfield was being treated for injuries she suffered on April 18, 2020, when Wortman attacked her at their home in Portapique.

Banfield, then 51, described other beatings at the cottage, saying her spouse's explosive anger was typically triggered by small disputes. Before the assault in April 2020, Banfield said the last time she experience­d intimate partner violence was three years earlier.

Among other things, the public inquiry's mandate includes investigat­ing the role of gender-based violence.

Participat­ing lawyer Anastacia Merrigan has told the inquiry there are discrepanc­ies between the evidence provided by Forbes — the killer's former neighbour — and the RCMP's descriptio­n of how they responded.

In a summary of evidence, the inquiry said a responding officer took “minimal notes” at the time of Forbes's complaint and that other informatio­n had been purged from RCMP files. The inquiry's summary says a constable who responded to the complaint in 2013 is quoted in an RCMP report saying he didn't remember Forbes reporting a domestic assault.

Merrigan, who represents the Transition House Associatio­n of Nova Scotia, said she wants the inquiry to provide a more critical view of what happened with Forbes's complaint.

“To date, the foundation­al document has adopted the evidence provided by the RCMP almost without question,” she told the inquiry last week.

 ?? ANDREW VAUGHAN / THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Lisa Banfield, former spouse of Nova Scotia mass shooter Gabriel Wortman, shown at provincial court in Dartmouth, N.S., in March, told police in
2020 she had been abused by Wortman. The inquiry into the mass shooting is exploring the role gender-based violence played in the tragedy.
ANDREW VAUGHAN / THE CANADIAN PRESS Lisa Banfield, former spouse of Nova Scotia mass shooter Gabriel Wortman, shown at provincial court in Dartmouth, N.S., in March, told police in 2020 she had been abused by Wortman. The inquiry into the mass shooting is exploring the role gender-based violence played in the tragedy.

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