Ottawa Citizen

Open marriage upsets parents


Dear Abby: My daughter and her husband have been together for 10 years, married for three of them. They have a one-year-old daughter. I have just learned they may be getting a divorce. My son-in-law is very controllin­g as well as verbally and emotionall­y abusive. My daughter just confided to me that they have been in an open marriage for the last three months. Both have other people in their lives. I love my daughter and want to support her, but if I don't, I risk losing her and my granddaugh­ter forever.

Thrown in Ohio

Dear Thrown: Your daughter and son-in-law's open marriage will soon be over. While you may not approve of your daughter's activity, she's an adult and has a right to live her life as she sees fit.

Dear Abby: I have four sisters. I have felt like the “odd one out” my entire life, and they know it. They are all financiall­y well off. I am not. They take trips and get together, but don't include me because they think I can't afford it. When I have made my feelings known, they say I'm “too sensitive” and a “drama queen.” How can I get them to stop being so superior?

Excluded Sis in Nebraska

Dear Sis: You wrote that you have felt like the odd one out your entire life, and your sisters know it. You also stated that they travel together without including you because they think you can't afford it. If that's true, do you think they should have paid your fare? If you do, it's presumptuo­us.

Because you aren't going to change them, eliminate them from your life. They may be unable to give you acceptance you seek from them. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at

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