Ottawa Citizen

Are oysters really an aphrodisia­c?

- LINDSEY BEVER The Washington Post

The question: Is it true oysters are an aphrodisia­c?

The science: For centuries, people have considered oysters an aphrodisia­c, with at least one legendary lover, Giacomo Casanova, reportedly attributin­g his sexual prowess to eating dozens of them at a time.

Experts say these briny mollusks do contain elements that may enhance sex drive, though there is no scientific evidence showing a direct link to a more robust libido.

Raw oysters are high in zinc — a 3.5-ounce serving contains more than five times the recommende­d daily amount for a male adult and more than seven times for a female adult. Zinc is associated with improved testostero­ne levels, which influences male and female sex drives, and is essential for male fertility, research shows.

Zinc also boosts dopamine, a neurotrans­mitter involved in pleasure and reward-seeking behaviours and may influence sexual responses in men and women, said Julia Zumpano, a registered dietitian for the Center for Human Nutrition at the Cleveland Clinic.

Oysters also contain an amino acid called D -aspartic acid, which, research suggests, may support testostero­ne production, at least in animals. A review of 23 animal studies and four human studies showed that D-aspartic acid enhanced testostero­ne levels in male animals. Results, however, were inconsiste­nt for humans.

There's another explanatio­n as to why oysters may bring out a romantic side: the placebo effect, said Waguih William Ishak, a professor of psychiatry at Cedars-sinai and the University of California at Los Angeles, who edited a textbook on sexual medicine and co-wrote a chapter on aphrodisia­cs.

Meta-analyses on placebo treatments for male and female sexual dysfunctio­n have shown that people given a placebo reported an improvemen­t in sexual functionin­g — in some studies, at a rate as high as 50 per cent.

What else you should know: There is no set number of oysters needed to potentiall­y produce an aphrodisia­c effect, but for those who want to test the concept, experts recommend about four to six.

Experts differ on whether people should eat cooked or raw oysters, but if you try them raw, know that uncooked seafood can lead to a rare but serious infection with vibrio vulnificus, a pathogen carried by water and food.

There may be other ways you can enhance your sexual desire or performanc­e, said Deb Laino, a board-certified sex and relationsh­ip therapist.

■ Watermelon, beets and strawberri­es can be aphrodisia­cs, too, because of their amino acids, vitamins and minerals, she said.

■ Eating light is advised before a romantic encounter. A heavy meal, particular­ly with a lot of carbohydra­tes, may make you sleepy and kill the mood.

■ Don't drink too much alcohol. One or two glasses of wine or sake is plenty, Laino said.

The bottom line: There's no scientific evidence proving oysters increase sex drive in humans. But some experts hypothesiz­e that the mollusk contains elements that may be associated with greater sexual desire and functionin­g.

GETTY ?? Oysters are high in zinc, which is associated with improved testostero­ne levels, which can influence male and female sex drives.
IMAGES GETTY Oysters are high in zinc, which is associated with improved testostero­ne levels, which can influence male and female sex drives.

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