Ottawa Citizen

Transpo staff recognized for acts of valour


A number of OC Transpo bus operators were among a list of honourees at the annual Transecure awards Sunday.

Operator Kirk Joseph was recognized for his quick action when faced with a youngster choking on a piece of candy. The child's parent was unable clear their airway, so Joseph performed the Heimlich manoeuver at the edge of the road. The manoeuvre dislodged the blockage and the child's breathing returned to normal.

On March 18, as operator Hassan Ahmed pulled into Hurdman Station, he spotted a customer on the bus platform in medical distress. He pulled his bus to the curb and alerted the transit control centre for assistance. As Ahmed left his vehicle, he saw that the man needed CPR. He started performing CPR, while the control centre dispatched the Transpo special constables and called the Ottawa Paramedic Service. It was later establishe­d the passenger was in cardiac arrest. Paramedics took over treatment and transporte­d the victim to hospital for urgent care.

On the evening of Jan. 15, a young female customer boarded Jessica Basquin's bus wearing no jacket, shoes or socks. After speaking with the young girl, Basquin establishe­d she had run away from home. The operator advised the control centre and special constables and Ottawa police were notified. Basquin provided shelter to the young girl in the vehicle until OPS arrived. Both SCU and OPS had received reports of this missing girl.

Also honoured was operator Jerome Watters, who received an award for his 45 years of accident-free service.

 ?? ASHLEY FRASER ?? OC Transpo bus operators Hassan Ahmed, left, Jessica Basquin and Kirk Joseph were honoured at the annual Transecure awards at Ben Franklin Place on Sunday for their exceptiona­l service to the residents of Ottawa.
ASHLEY FRASER OC Transpo bus operators Hassan Ahmed, left, Jessica Basquin and Kirk Joseph were honoured at the annual Transecure awards at Ben Franklin Place on Sunday for their exceptiona­l service to the residents of Ottawa.

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