Ottawa Citizen

Dodge says new federal budget hurts fight against inflation


Former Bank of Canada governor David Dodge said the increase in spending in the federal government's new budget will make the central bank's battle against rising prices more difficult.

“It — along with the provincial budgets — is really not very helpful to the Bank of Canada in terms of dealing with inflation,” Dodge said Thursday in an interview on BNN Bloomberg Television. “That's unfortunat­e.”

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland's budget, unveiled on Tuesday, proposes billions in new outlays on housing, defence and other items over the next few years, with slightly higher deficits than the government had previously forecast.

Provincial government­s have gone in a similar direction.

Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia, which together have about three-quarters of Canada's population, have all released plans that include significan­tly higher borrowing.

Freeland's budget document carries the title “Fairness for every generation” — a nod to younger Canadians who've been frustrated about the high cost of living and the difficulty of getting into the housing market. Dodge questioned that slogan.

“It's these young voters that are going to be saddled with the debt going forward,” he said.

The budget anticipate­s $480.5 billion in federal program spending this fiscal year, an increase of about $14 billion compared with November projection­s from the finance minister.

Credit rating firm DBRS Morningsta­r said the spending boost may be “counterpro­ductive” as the Bank of Canada tries to bring inflation back to its two per cent target.

The government is expecting 3.8 per cent growth in nominal gross domestic product this year, versus a previous forecast of 2.4 per cent, the agency said in a report Thursday.

That will give a boost to government tax revenue, but “the budget siphons off these projected gains and channels them towards increased spending initiative­s, adding to the already expansiona­ry stance of most provincial budgets this season, which could contribute to inflationa­ry pressures,” it said.

 ?? ?? David Dodge
David Dodge

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