Ottawa Citizen

Public tunes out Liberal attacks on Poilievre

- ANDREW MacDOUGALL Andrew MacDougall is a London-based communicat­ions consultant and ex-director of communicat­ions to former prime minister Stephen Harper.

We're now a few weeks past the federal budget and the latest Liberal offer to Canadians is being received with all of the enthusiasm of an unsolicite­d email from a Nigerian “prince.” That's if it didn't arrive in the spam folder to begin with.

How impactful was the budget? Well, most of the drama in Parliament this week has been about the word “wacko” and the one-way trip it earned Pierre Poilievre out of the House of Commons. And that came after a week of boomerang action on the budget's signal initiative: a proposed change to capital gains tax.

Whatever you think of its merits, a little Liberal capital gains action has not produced any commensura­te gains in the polls, with Justin Trudeau's gang still stuck 20 points behind Poilievre and his Conservati­ves. The needle has not moved. Just like it hasn't moved for the better part of a year.

This lack of movement ought to be prompting some introspect­ion in the Liberal camp. Only introspect­ion doesn't appear to be on the menu anymore, if it ever was in the first place. These Liberals and this prime minister are by now an old dog, incapable of new tricks.

And so there's nothing but endless hysteria about their opponents. It's “Pierre said, `Wacko!'” or “Pierre visited a trailer with funny symbols” or “Alex Jones loves Pierre Poilievre!” Put differentl­y, the Liberals can't resist taking the bait. Instead of focusing on their nailed-on advantage over the Conservati­ves — the fact they control the government and, in theory, have the power to fix the things Canadians are upset about — the Liberals do dumb stuff like wheel out immigratio­n minister Marc Miller to have a moan about Poilievre.

“Pierre Poilievre's remorseles­s footsie with extremists and ultrathin skin get him justifiabl­y kicked out of the House of Commons,” Miller tweeted.

And then, to make sure Canadians heard their priorities, the Liberal Party's main account rebroadcas­t Miller's irritated answer about Poilievre from his post-question period scrum. Was Poilievre being “silenced?” “That guy has never shut his mouth in his life,” Miller replied.

But here's the thing: Canadians want Miller, the immigratio­n minister, to get a grip on Canada's immigratio­n system, a system an increasing percentage of the country thinks is broken, the system even Justin Trudeau has admitted isn't getting the job done.

They don't want him to have a moan about the language of the guy who's badgering him to fix the system.

Let's say the Liberal tactic worked, and prompted Canadians to Google about why Poilievre used the word “wacko.” You know what they'd find?

They would find Poilievre decrying the newly legalized open use of hard drugs in public places in British Columbia, a provincial request authorized by the Trudeau government. They would find members of Poilievre's caucus tweeting about a 380 per cent increase in drug deaths since the change was made. Or that overdose is now the leading cause of death in B.C.

And you know what? Most Canadians will probably agree that it's “wacko.” In other words, the Liberals would find they are playing on Poilievre's preferred turf.

The Liberals need to accept the world has changed. It's not 2015 and people aren't looking for “sunny ways.” It's not 2016. People aren't panicking over Donald Trump.

It's 2024 and the country has changed in significan­t ways and Canadians aren't all that happy about it. And that's not Poilievre or his party's fault.

This dynamic places the Liberals in a bind. Their preferred colours (Tories scary!) no longer suit the canvas on which they now have to paint (Canada in 2024). They must either change their paint or change their canvas. Only they have little power to change the canvas, one Canadians already blame them for spoiling. And so they must change their paint.

This means the Liberals need to set about fixing problems until November. And then, and only then, and only if Trump is elected back to the White House, can they dream about receiving a fresh canvas on which to use their old paints.

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