Ottawa Citizen

Bid for nude weddings veiled in modesty


An Italian town is promoting nuptials in the nude after opening a successful naturist beach in 2022. San Vero Milis, on the island of Sardinia, said nudist weddings on the sand were the next obvious stage in enhancing tourism. But in a nod to decorum brides will still need to wear a veil. Luigi Tedeschi, the mayor of the town near Oristano, said: “We opened the beach to overcome prejudices, and weddings will be another important step. It will not be a case of anything goes. All the brides will need to wear a nice veil for tradition's sake.” The proposal must still be approved by local legislator­s, but the Italian Federation of Naturists has already offered its support. “This is a first for Italy and we are totally for it,” said spokesman Gabriele Rossetti. Couples have been increasing­ly drawn to San Vero Milis to hold civil wedding ceremonies, and exchanging vows on the beach has been permitted in nearby Sinis for the past two years.

Allowing weddings in the buff would combine two trends in Sardinia, the Times of London noted — nudism and wedding tourism. Nearly 600,000 Italians consider themselves naturists, part of a European movement estimated to number 20 million. Eight of Italy's 23 clothing-optional beaches are located in Sardinia and mayors on the island have previously suggested setting up nudist vacation villages, hotels and hiking trails. The time has come for nudist beach weddings in Italy, said Rossetti, though he acknowledg­ed its approach may strike some as over-conservati­ve. He told the Times: “I had house guests from Holland who came to breakfast naked. We don't all do that.”

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