Our Canada



I am so lucky to live along the shores of Lake Erie. As I travel around, it is not unusual to see one of these beautiful bald eagles out fishing or perched in a tree looking for its next meal. With the banning of the harmful substances that were killing them o—40 years ago they were on the endangered species list— they are making a comeback and their numbers are increasing all the time.

We have a couple of young juveniles that like to hang out at the local pond on our road, and I never get tired of watching them. The area neighbours know it’s me parked alongside the pond to snap photos and watch the eagles fish. When the lake freezes in winter, you can often catch a

glimpse of them fishing, in early morning and late afternoon, in some of the man-made areas where the water runs all year. I have spent many days outside freezing my fingers o waiting for the perfect shot and when I get one, it is such a thrill. Last year, an adult male and female would hunt together not far from my home so I’d take daily trips to try and get a picture of them. It was so great to hear them calling to each other and to watch their interactio­ns.

When the trees are bare, you can sometimes catch a glimpse of an eagle’s nest. They are massive and usually built pretty far away from humans, which is a good thing unless you are trying to observe them!

Bald eagles do not get their beautiful white plumage until around the age of five, but are still strikingly beautiful in their immature plumage as well. It’s amazing to see the dierence.

So keep your eyes on the skies and you just might see one of the ever-increasing population of beautiful bald eagles.

Christine White, Port Colborne, Ont.

 ??  ?? A bald eagle on the lookout for its next meal.
A bald eagle on the lookout for its next meal.

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