Penticton Herald

Trump ready to start a war


Dear Editor: A prediction came true and I kept the newspaper clippings to prove that I was right!

Gosh it sure feels good to be right sometimes but this time I wish it wasn’t so.

I submitted several letters to the editor over the past 10 years or so asking a big question: what in ‘H’ will happen if other countries who don’t share or care to live under the shadow of the United States decide to form their own coalition?

This appears to be happening right now before our very eyes.

“Russia, Iran and Syria issue warning to U.S,” (Okanagan

Saturday, April 15) which the headline writer forgot to include North Korea which claims it’s ready to clash with the U.S. if they dare try and start something.

It doesn’t take a president, fivestar general, or politician with a wall plastered with diplomas to figure out that common sense prevails which apparently isn’t in the handbook to prevent yet another war.

The inhabitant­s of the world including the United States will receive more than a nuclear knuckle sandwich as others may join the fight against the U.S. and payback may very well be a bitch.

It doesn’t matter how many missiles a country has to deter aggression, because we all know it only takes one shot or the push of a button to start the biggest war of all time.

Likely, the curtains of Planet Earth would close forever more, as life on earth would be over for all of God’s creatures.

Rookie President Donald Trump has being biting off more than he can chew and is putting himself, his own family and others in line for a severe thumping.

Surviving one war was enough for me but if you haven’t been in that theatre you may live to see the biggest fireworks yet as they turn the world into ash.

Time for Uncle Sam to take a time out as even a coalition may turn on him, as nobody in the right mind wants to die... and for what? Tom Isherwood Olalla

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