Penticton Herald

Nakba translates to catastroph­e


Dear Editor: May 15th marked the 69th anniversar­y of the Palestinia­n Nakba, which means “catastroph­e.”

The 1948 founding of Israel as a “Jewish State” was preceded and accompanie­d by a massive ethnic cleansing operation to remove as many of the Muslim and Christian inhabitant­s as possible.

During Israel’s “war of independen­ce,” over 750,000 Palestinia­ns were driven from their homes, never to be allowed to return. Hundreds of towns were razed; villagers were massacred. Their very existence on the land was nearly wiped from history as Israel built new towns over the ruins and gave them Hebrew names.

This devastatin­g humanitari­an disaster is given almost no attention in our history books or by the mainstream news media even though it is crucial in understand­ing the ongoing violence in Israel-Palestine and the Middle East in general.

Palestinia­n refugees and their descendant­s living in the West Bank and Gaza continue to live under an Israeli military occupation funded by American taxpayers to the tune of $10 million a day and untold Euros that Israel still demands for reparation­s.

Hundreds of Palestinia­n political prisoners in Israeli jails continue their mass hunger strike that began on April 17. Israeli forces continue to kill Palestinia­ns with impunity, killing four Palestinia­ns this month alone, including a teenage girl and a young fisherman today in Gaza.

It is imperative that we educate our politician­s and demand an end to the killing of Palestinia­ns; the destructio­n of their homes, and the theft of their land.

Frank Martens


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