Penticton Herald

Love conquers difference­s


QUESTION: Can there be too many difference­s between two people and love still keep them together? One couple among my friends don’t seem to fit together.

She’s more spiritual and a regular church attendant; he doesn’t go at all.

He’s a smoker, she’s not; he likes to drink but she doesn’t. She’s always decent, but he tells all manner of jokes. One loves parties, the other doesn’t. Once, she attended a party, but left early with many excuses — she didn’t feel well, wasn’t comfortabl­e among friends who drink and drive, was worried about her kids and tired.

That was her first and last party with our friends.

She later said that her strict family background influenced her lifestyle.

However, the couple had some things in common: they’re both impulsive. Also, depending on the news they read, they had either an excellent day or a really bad one. Both easily influenced by news.

They seemed in love with each other. Will their relationsh­ip last? —Very Curious

ANSWER: If this is really about a friend, your guess is as good as mine.

If it’s really about you — that’s sometimes the case when people write to advice columns — then the outcome depends on you as much as him, plus the circumstan­ces you’ll face over time.

Can love conquer all odds? Yes, but it takes a lot of will and respect along with a strong emotional connection.

Example: Someone who doesn’t like to drink can accept that a partner does enjoy it, and both can decide if they’re comfortabl­e with one attending drinking parties and the other avoiding them.

Marriage is a long-haul ride together. There are bumps and obstacles, but there’s also the comfort of companions­hip and the shared goal of achieving happiness together.

The two people described are both impulsive yet sensitive, keeping informed and attuned to a larger world they care about.

They have as much chance of staying together long-term as any couple that looks on the surface like “a perfect match.”

QUESTION: I love my work but I don’t care for the office manager. Several years ago, we both were offered a higher-paying position.

She turned it down stating she doesn’t like handling money. I jumped at the opportunit­y.

Since then, the manager’s been making my life hell. When our director’s gone for long periods, the office manager will complain to our board of directors that I don’t say good morning to her.

What can I do to change the office dynamics? We are a very small staff. — Workplace Troubles

ANSWER: It’s called “harassment” and stems from jealousy that you now earn more than her.

In such a small staff, you need to be strategic in response.

Be “nice.” Say “good morning” so all can hear. Bring files to her after emailing that you’ll be doing so, then deliver them carefully. Keep the email record.

TIP OF THE DAY Love can conquer difference­s that two people confront with mutual respect, and an ultimate shared goal.

Ellie Tesher was born in Toronto and has been working as a journalist for 25 years. She studied sociology at the University of Toronto before landing her first job at Children’s Aid as a case worker with foster children.

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