Penticton Herald

No stopping Trump from tweeting

President’s new message guru wants ‘a more positive mojo’

- By The Associated Press

President Donald Trump’s new communicat­ions adviser says it’s time to hit the “reset button.”

Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Wall Street financier Anthony Scaramucci pledged to begin “an era of a new good feeling” and said he hopes to “create a more positive mojo.”

He also promised to crack down on informatio­n leaks and pledged to better focus the message coming from the White House.

To that end, Scaramucci suggested changes to come, noting: “I have in my pocket a radio studio, a television studio, and a movie studio. The entire world has changed; we need to rethink the way we’re delivering our informatio­n.”

Trump announced Friday that Scaramucci — a polished television commentato­r and Harvard Law graduate — would take over the administra­tion’s top messaging job.

The appointmen­t came as the president contends with sinking approval ratings and struggles to advance his legislativ­e agenda.

The president has also been frustrated with the attention devoted to investigat­ions of allegation­s of his election campaign’s connection­s to Russia.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer abruptly resigned in protest over Scaramucci’s appointmen­t. He will be replaced by his former deputy Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

The challenges for Scaramucci’s new role were evident in a series of interviews, where he discussed his plans for press strategy, but was beset by questions about the Russia investigat­ion and the president’s Twitter feed.

The president frequently opts to directly speak to the public via Twitter.

Scaramucci stressed on Fox that he would “let the president be the president,” adding that he wants to “help aid and abet his agenda.”

On the Russia stories, Scaramucci said on Fox that a “two-pronged approach” was needed, saying that “in some ways we want to deescalate things and have there be a level of diplomacy. In other ways, we want it to be very hardhittin­g and war-like.”

Asked about the president’s tweets about the investigat­ion on CBS’ Face the Nation, Scaramucci said “if he thinks it’s helpful to him, let him do it.”

He also said on CNN’s State of the Union that “we’re going to defend him very, very aggressive­ly when there’s nonsensica­l stuff being said about him. And he will probably dial back some of those tweets.”

On CNN, Scaramucci called Sanders “phenomenal” and also said he “loved the hair and makeup person that we had on Friday. So, I would like to continue to use the hair and makeup person.”

He later took to Twitter to stress that he was referring to his own hair and makeup, adding “I need all the help I can get! #humour”

On Saturday, Scaramucci said he was deleting old tweets. Some of the tweets were at odds with Trump’s views, including one that praised Hillary Clinton’s competence. Trump defeated Clinton for president last year and continues to criticize her.

“When I made the decision to take this job, my politics and my political ideas do not matter at all,” Scaramucci said. “What matters is that I am subordinat­ing all of that to the president’s agenda.”

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