Penticton Herald

Child needs parental help

- Reader’s Commentari­es — Regarding “the child that needs help,” in situations as described by “Desperate Father” (July 11): Reader #1 — “I’m a young adult who suffers from depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of emoti

“Will this happen to your son? If he DOESN’T get help it’s very likely he’ll end up in the same space as me. Ask yourselves, what’ll happen to your son after you’re both gone and he’s truly alone?”

Reader #3 — “Young adults may try different paths before finding their fit. Be their champion. Listen. Have patience.

“I’d suspect depression, possible focus issues (a learning disability), lack of confidence, or lack of problemsol­ving ability. Or, something not shared with you that’s distressin­g him.

“Let him know you’re in his corner. Don’t bring up past mistakes, losses, or issues.

“Suggest a doctor’s visit for a general check-up. Say you love him and his health’s important.

“Ask what he’d like, going forward. Look at your relationsh­ip at home. If you change your interactio­ns to very positive ones, he’ll begin to change too over time. If you need a mental health specialist, do the research to find one he’ll accept. Suggest he decides through a phone interview. Don’t be nosy about the appointmen­t if he goes.

“Let him know you’re not perfect. Most people have had a mental health issue, like depression, at some point.

“Be thankful your child is safe in your home and you can still help him.”


A young adult child’s mental health issues strain everyone, but he/she desperatel­y needs parental support and help. Email Follow @ellieadvic­e.

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