Penticton Herald

Encounter with a bear


Dear Editor: I am a concerned citizen. It’s been a week since I had a dangerous encounter with a mature, aggressive black bear on my property, and I have yet to meet a conservati­on office to protect myself and others in my neighbourh­ood.

I encountere­d the bear Monday, Oct. 2. That evening I heard noises and I took a flashlight to investigat­e. I startled the bear, standing 10 feet away from me, who then reared up fully upright on his hind legs and growled at me.

The previous nights I had heard coyotes howling and that morning I woke to find six of my rabbit cages ripped open, 20 of my fivemonth old rabbits dead – eaten alive. I raise rabbits in my back yard and have a hobby orchard of 200 apple trees.

On Tuesday, Oct. 3, I immediatel­y went to Fish and Wildlife to report what had happened. I was frustrated when I was referred to speak with three different people. I was assured that someone would set a trap, and despite my repeated telephone calls, and those of all my neighbours – who have children and pets – still nothing has been done.

I applaud the efforts of our conservati­on officers to keep our wildlife safe, yet I wonder who will protect us?

It was not only one bear, but three bears – two on my place and one on the property of my neighbour Berry Wilson. Franco De Michelis


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