Penticton Herald

Tom putting down his pen?


Dear editor: So you prefer short letters, do you? Well check this out as I am about to make some people very happy!

My new year’s resolution is to quit my nasty habit of getting my lone opinion displayed in print.

I notice the Penticton Herald has been on a paperless diet and gave up pressing the print completely on Sunday. The day when many people that work have the time to relax while reading all, instead of just the front page.

I have enjoyed the Penticton Herald for many years but times change, people change, the world has changed, and it has been said that change is as good as a rest.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all people that subscribe to the Herald and everybody connected that make the early morning read possible.

A lone opinion is hardly worth the paper it's printed on, as we all know, and to all you long letter writers, you now have a tough row to hoe. Tom Isherwood Olalla army kit at home, and spend two weeks in a military exercise each year until he retires. Their military aim is for home defence; not involving themselves in other country’s politics; or taking out their leaders to obtain their oil or resources as do many other countries.

Many of their tools for the military are purchased and made at home. Why did we spend $30 billion of Canada’s funds in Afghanista­n — and to what end?

Did they think in their little head that 14 more years of hellfire and brimstone would change anything in Afghanista­n?

It is time to rethink Canada’s place in the world: neutral and stay home to polish the old gun. Spend our funds at home, not at other stores. hotel casino area and administer­ed CPR three times.

The ambulance driver told me that if I hadn’t received CPR when I did they may not have been able to save me. I can only describe the lady as being in her late 30s or early 40s, shoulder-length hair, light in colour, and a slim figure.

Merry Christmas to you. Marc Turcot Kelowna

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