Penticton Herald

Postage math stamped out


Dear editor: There have been recent reports of organizati­ons, banks and such, trying to get customers to buy products they don't need. I've had this tried on me at least twice, with Canada Post. Only at the “real” post office, (not the postal outlets in stores like London Drugs).

At Canada Post, each time I've bought a card of six internatio­nal stamps ($2.50 each), I've been told that I could use three Domestic stamps ($0.85 each) instead of one $2.50 stamp.

My math indicates that this would have me spending $0.05 more (per letter) for the UK or Australia. For six stamps that would be $0.30 more than if I bought six internatio­nal stamps. I'm curious, what are postal workers told to do when selling stamps?

Then there's the matter of putting three stamps, and not just one, on envelopes that come in various sizes! It definitely wouldn't work on a Penticton picture postcard.

I'm sorry to hear that the Canadian government is so poor that they have to scrape a few more pennies from us citizens. What can I do to have the Canadian Government have Canada Post stop from suggesting they take pennies from my federal pension?

In the meantime, I'll continue to send letters and greetings to family and friends in the UK and Australia with a $2.50 stamp! Brigid Kemp


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