Penticton Herald

Council to restrict public spaces for campaign signs


Campaign signs will likely be restricted to 13 public spaces in Penticton for the municipal election this fall.

Council also Tuesday gave tentative support to other staff recommenda­tions to clean up the existing sign bylaw to make it easier to enforce and limit total signage per candidate per location to 16 square feet.

Coun. Helena Konanz was the lone vote against the changes, while Coun. Andre Martin recused himself due to his business selling signs

“I do believe we should clean up and make a bylaw so that there’s something people can look at and follow because nobody wants to break the rules. So it’s really important that they know what they are,” Konanz said.

Other than making sure signs aren’t a safety hazard by obstructin­g views, Konanz said, there shouldn’t be any other restrictio­ns.

“There shouldn’t be a limit on where the signs should go and I think that you’re going to have bylaw (officers) with a tape measure with 10 square feet,” Konanz said.

“There’s certain things that they need to do that are more important than that.”

Coun. Max Picton said the large amount of signage, with 26 candidates in the last municipal election not including school board and mayoral elections, is likely why the issue is before council at all.

A cleaned-up bylaw will incorporat­e clearer rules to protect pedestrian and motorist sightlines and restrict sites due to undergroun­d utilities.

The 13 sites recommende­d by staff include: Skaha Park, Sudbury Beach, the Channel Parkway, Duncan Hill, the Penticton Library, a small portion of the South Okanagan Events Centre site, the Ellis Street roundabout, the north city entrance, McLaren Arena, the city yards including in front of the dog park, near the Penticton Seniors’ Centre, Riverside Park between the parking lots and a small property at 1099 Main St.

Staff will return with a formal bylaw to be reviewed for approval at the next council meeting.

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