Penticton Herald

Bureaucrat­s must relearn to talk back


Paying workers is one of the most basic tasks that any organizati­on, from the family-owned corner store to the biggest multinatio­nal corporatio­n, has to get right. And it’s one that the Canadian government has, almost unbelievab­ly, been unable to do properly for more than two years.

The culprit is the Phoenix pay system — and the pervasive culture of fear and obedience in the federal civil service that let this lemon of a system see the light of day.

Conceived of by Stephen Harper’s Conservati­ve government in 2009, it was projected to save $70 million annually by replacing hundreds of administra­tive staff with computer software. Instead, it’s now estimated that it could cost taxpayers $1.2 billion by the time it’s fixed, which is still years away.

Government­s have a terrible track record when it comes to implementi­ng new technology. This one, though, is particular­ly egregious: the senior public servants in charge actually managed to create something that was less efficient and more costly than the 40-year-old system it replaced.

Even more troubling than that — because it affects every aspect of the federal government — is the civil service culture that allowed this debacle to happen. That was outlined in clear and depressing detail by auditor general Michael Ferguson in his latest report to Parliament last week.

Plenty of problems cropped up as the pay system was being developed, but the bureaucrat­s who knew about it were afraid to tell their political masters. Instead, they continued on to deliver what they were told to and bulled ahead with a product that was on time and on budget over one that would actually work.

The result is a financial and emotional nightmare for tens of thousands of federal civil servants who have been overpaid, underpaid or not paid at all.

The halls of government are filled with “an obedient public service that fears mistakes and risk,” and has lost its ability to “convey hard truths” to senior levels including political ministers, Ferguson writes. “It’s easier for a deputy minister to just implement the will of the minister without question rather than provide fearless advice on the pitfalls that could arise and how to avoid them.”

That’s something that has developed over decades and was pushed to ever more troubling heights under Harper. He often saw the public service as an adversary; centralize­d power within his inner circle; insisted everyone be “on message”; and muzzled anyone who might not be, including government scientists. It amounted to a culture of fear that will take time to change.

While some politician­s may like the idea of a public sector that does their bidding without question, bureaucrat­s who follow orders unthinking­ly don’t produce the good government Canadians deserve.

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