Penticton Herald

Candidates’ park stances say it all Downtown help there for taking


Dear editor: As someone who works, shops, recreates and socializes in Penticton I hope the citizens of this lovely town make wise choices on Oct. 20.

Anyone who supported the Skaha Lake Park fiasco, and this includes Jason Cox, does not deserve to be elected as their values, ethics and common sense are fundamenta­lly at odds with the majority of the citizens. It is never OK to give away precious public parkland to a private developer.

For what it’s worth, here are the people who impressed me at the public forums, in private conversati­ons and in the media: For mayor: John Vassilaki. For council: Connie Sahlmark, Julius Bloomfield, Lynn Kelsey, Daryl Clarke, Jesse Martin and Jake Kimberley.

May the next four years have less lawsuits and more innovative leadership. Tom Hoenisch

Naramata Dear editor: My name is Stacey Rexin and I'm the director of education at Okanagan Cosmetolog­y Institute.

I would like to take this opportunit­y to publicly thank and acknowledg­e the members of our local government and law enforcemen­t who have listened, offered advice and support, shared frustratio­ns and are actively working to make the downtown area a safer place.

Ryan Graham, Lynn Allen and Jackey of the DPA, all of whom have been so supportive of our school, work tirelessly on behalf of the downtown businesses, and who probably never realized that their positions at DPA would include being sent so many pictures of human excrement.

Cpl. Laurie Rock, who has provided our school with support, ongoing education about legalities and personal safety, and performs a job every single day that not many people could mentally or emotionall­y handle, but Cpl. Rock does so calmly and profession­ally.

The gentleman from bylaw who I met recently with Cpl. Rock; I can't remember your name, but you sir are a valuable source of informatio­n and ideas, as well as a very patient listener.

And finally, Coun. Max Picton who has been a huge support and advocate for our school and the safety of our students and staff. Max has personally met with our students and staff, listened to our concerns and has brought our issues to the entire city council, the mayor and the superinten­dent of the RCMP, and continues to fight for a safer environmen­t for our students. Max, we cannot thank you enough for what you've done and your continued support. Personally, you have my eternal gratitude, my respect and my vote.

My advice to all the downtown businesses who are feeling as we are, under siege and frustrated as hell: be the squeaky wheel, speak up loudly and continuous­ly until someone starts to listen, get to know the people who have the resources, informatio­n and ability to help.

Talk to council. Talk to bylaw. Talk to the RCMP. Talk to each other. Share ideas. Get involved. Be proactive.

And vote. Stacey Rexin Penticton

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