Penticton Herald

Diversity will leave us weaker


Dear editor: I was extremely dismayed with the false teachings of Don Smithyman in his Oct. 11 letter (“Don’t need to assimilate, Herald).

I well know he deems himself Mr. Oracle in these and all matters but I beg to differ.

Well, firstly, assimilate means to "become like." Diversity is not our strength as Junior Trudeau and Donnie encourages. It is our weakness.

If we all chose to be different as Smithyman desires, then how can we all be the same?

Where is the unity? Diversity destroys unity. Shouldn't we all of us try to consider ourselves Canadians?

He mentions the people who wear turbans. I used to have high regard for them as they aided and supported the British Army in India. However, I read in the newspaper a few years ago, it was when they all gathered at City Hall in Toronto and their spokesman spouted, "We are grateful to no one for coming to Canada... Canada needs our skills."

Mercy me, such ingratitud­e is beyond belief.

My polite contention: If we all don't have the same core values and core beliefs, which is the cement that unifies us, then what do we have? Merely a hodgepodge of nothing.

He also mentions the Muslims. I could well be wrong but I doubt their sincerity at times. They say they want freedom so they arrive in our country in droves.

Well, there are at least 50 official Muslim countries in the world. Why can't they go to where their own religion and ethnic groups are? But they always have our country as their destinatio­n.

They are provided with everything when they arrive. Food, accommodat­ion, clothes, health care, eye care, everything. They want for nothing.

And do they appreciate such? They then demand their own Sharia law as well their own schools as obviously Canadian schools aren't good enough for them. They are apparently loyal to their religion not to Canada. They see us merely as infidels.

The Bible says, "Welcome the stranger." However, sadly so, the stranger does not want to welcome... us. He arrives and then immediatel­y wants everything his own way. Very disappoint­ing. Robert Collen Penticton

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