Penticton Herald

Keloid question


DEAR DR. ROACH: At around 4-6 years of age, I got the chickenpox and, of course, had a lot of itchy bumps on my body.

One bump in particular did not heal right; I scratched it so much that it formed into a small (smaller than a dime) keloid on my inner thigh. This happened no place else.

This was confirmed by my former pediatrici­an, who also told my parents and I that I should never get my ears pierced. Ever since then, I have never attempted to have anything pierced on my body nor get any tattoos.

I am now 30 years of age, and I was really wanting to pierce my ears and cartilage. I have never had any major surgeries or huge cuts, so I’m not sure how my skin will react if I decide to get my ears pierced.

I played sports my entire life, so I have had floor burns, minor cuts and bruises, and a gash on my face without developing a keloid.

I would really appreciate your insight on this matter, as this has been bothering me for a long time. I’ve always wanted my ears pierced, but I also don’t want to risk my outer appearance changing because of a decision that could have been avoided.

ANSWER: Because of your previous keloid, you are going to be at higher-than-average risk for developing a keloid, but I can’t even offer a guess on what the likelihood might be of getting one.

The advice not to get your ears pierced remains the most conservati­ve option, and the only one to guarantee you won’t get a keloid from piercing.

However, if you choose to try piercing, I can offer some advice on how to minimize your risk. Keeping the area meticulous­ly clean with alcohol and sterile cotton and never touching it with your bare hands are good ideas.

Pressure earrings reduce the risk, but they need to be worn at least 16 hours a day for six to 12 months for maximum effectiven­ess. Age seems to be important: Getting ears pierced between age 11 and 30 may have lower risk.

DEAR DR. ROACH: I have a small but persistent scab on my thumb, and my primary care doctor referred me to a dermatolog­ist. A biopsy showed squamous cell cancer and I was scheduled for Mohs surgery.

A friend recommende­d I see a radiation oncologist. He read the biopsy and told me the treatment with radiation would be a “piece of cake” and no surgery is necessary.

He also advised that radiation would be easier than surgery for a person of my age (68). The dermatolog­ist said the recurrence rate is higher for radiation than for surgery, but the radiation oncologist said that was “patently untrue.” Is there a correct answer?

ANSWER: Both surgery and radiation treatment are considered reasonable for squamous cell cancer on the skin. The recurrence rate in a large series of pooled studies was similar: 5.4 per cent for surgery and 6.4 per cent for radiation.

There are certain situations in which one would be preferred over the other. Radiation may have better cosmetic results. However, most authoritie­s recommend surgery as the first choice for squamous cell cancer on the hand.

Radiation can damage blood vessels, and the wear and tear on the skin of the hand makes it more likely to have skin breakdown with radiation. Radiation should be avoided in younger people (less than 40), due to the risk of secondary cancers years later. Radiation is much, much more expensive and requires numerous visits.

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a senior living alone. Is there anything I could do if I am alone and start choking on something?

I do try prevention by chewing thoroughly. There is no one here to do the Heimlich maneuver should it be necessary.

ANSWER: The Heimlich maneuver has saved countless lives when performed by a trained bystander, and it is easy to learn. It also can be done on oneself.

It can be performed with one’s own hands, as it would be on someone else, but I was taught how to administer it with a chair, using the edge of the chair to push upward into the abdomen.

There have been cases when a person who was choking has left their friends due to embarrassm­ent and then died. It’s important to learn how to do it on yourself.

Ask your doctor to demonstrat­e it, or take a CPR class and learn how to help yourself and others. Call 911 as soon as you can, if able (or ask someone to), then attempt the maneuver on yourself.

Readers may email questions to ToYourGood­Health or send mail to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

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