Penticton Herald

PR encourages voters to become more involved


Dear Editor: As a previous member of the Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform in 2004, I am tired of the gross untruths and fear mongering being spread regarding the proposed change to a proportion­al representa­tion type of electoral system. Why do some parties feel that governing by fear is the way to get people’s votes?

PR is a proven system that encourages voters to be more involved in the voting process, as they know their vote is more likely to work to elect a representa­tive that represents their values. MLAs elected by PR need to be more responsive to the voters, whatever party they represent, because people will be more likely to vote for them again in following elections, if voters know that they represente­d them and the needs of their district well.

MLAs, no matter what party they represent, are expected to work with all other representa­tives to produce well thought-out policies and governance in a collegial and respectful manner. Studies show that countries with a PR system are more stable.

There is less expense and more dependabil­ity in the government’s policies, as there is less of the “throw out the past government’s decisions and policies and change to ours” behaviours that lead to confusion and disruption.

This was recently seen in Ontario, where policies for schools, local government­s, climate change and energy use have all been turned topsy-turvy. This tends to happen less with PR because all of the MLAs worked to produce the policies in the first place.

Politician­s learn that they must all cooperate and are responsibl­e to each other, and most importantl­y responsibl­e to all the voters without considerin­g party affiliatio­ns.

PR systems, such as the ones offered for your choice in this referendum, give each district a representa­tive, who will strive to be attentive to the voters needs.

What a joy it would be to me, to no longer see the false scare tactics regarding voting systems, such as those seen and heard recently. How refreshing it would be to hear politician­s and parties offering sound reasons for voting for them and their proposed policies, rather than threats of dome and gloom if you don’t.

There are many very good options for you to learn about and understand the proposed systems at Elections BC,, and thetyee.caProporti­onal Representa­tion (a very clear and short explanatio­n).

One of the most important things that I learned in Grade 5 socials, was that to exercise democracy, you must vote. Please do your research and vote. Sheila MacDermott


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