Penticton Herald

Politicizi­ng issue of gun ownership


Dear Editor:

Re: “Thugs obtain their guns illegally” and “Not about safety, it’s about politics” (Herald letters, May 6).

I wish to thank John Thompson and also Doug Tarbet for their very informativ­e letters to the newspaper.

These were two amazing letters which clarified for me our prime minister’s determinat­ion to ban assault-style rifles. Trudeau’s comment puzzled me to no end as I clearly recall that laws have been in place for approximat­ely 20 years. (I am a senior so I was around then.)

I agree with the two gentlemen who state that this is just a ploy by Trudeau to secure votes for an upcoming election. It’s very sad to realize that so many of our politician­s can no longer state true facts and honestly talk to the voting public.

Shame on Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party.

I, along with my mother and father before me, have always voted for the Liberals except for the last election and I am now glad that I made that choice. Our current prime minister is flying by the seat of his pants and doesn’t deserve to sit in a seat of power.

Mr. Tarbet is correct when he states that the real issue in preventing gun disasters is not allowing lunatics and criminals from getting their hands on illegal guns. As in the United States, most gun owners are law- abiding citizens who jump through many hoops to register and own firearms.

Readers, if you missed seeing these two letters, visit The Herald’s website (opinion/letters) and read what Mr. Thompson and Mr. Tarbet so clearly and honestly attest to concerning gun legislatur­e.

Finally, why do politician­s for the most part think that Canadians are forgetful and stupid?

That really hurts.

D. Lemke Penticton

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