Penticton Herald

Trump visits battlegrou­nd state


TAMPA, Fla. — President Donald Trump took a Friday swing through Florida, a state critical to his reelection prospects and bracketed by two storms — one now bringing daily records on COVID-19 deaths and the other swirling just to the south in the form of Hurricane Isaias.

Trump delivered a campaign speech with Florida sheriffs that continued his effort to pin a surge in crime in some of the nation’s largest cities on their Democratic mayors as he has threatened to send federal law enforcemen­t to protect what he describes as besieged communitie­s.

Speaking soon after a federal appeals court threw out Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s death sentence for the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing because of potential juror bias, Trump attacked Democratic rival Joe Biden for his shifting position on capital punishment. The former vicepresid­ent, who supported the death penalty through much of his long political career, last year called for eliminatin­g the death penalty on the federal level and incentiviz­ing states to do the same.

“They protect criminals and Biden opposes the death penalty, even for cop killers and child murderers,” Trump told hundreds of supporters who showed up to hear him speak at the sheriffs’ event on the Tampa Internatio­nal Airport tarmac. “I see in Boston, where you have the animal that killed so many people during the Boston Marathon, they just sent this conviction for the death penalty back to the lower courts . ... It’s ridiculous.”

With the White House and Democrats at loggerhead­s over a new round of financial relief to bolster a coronaviru­s-battered economy, Trump is attempting to use a “law-and-order” theme to electrify his base and win over undecided voters unsettled by more than two months of protests centred on police brutality and racial injustice.

Before departing Washington, Trump again falsely claimed that Biden supports defunding the police. He met at the White House with members of the National Associatio­n of Police Organizati­ons Leadership, an organizati­on that endorsed Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 but is backing Trump’s reelection bid.

“Your choice is me or somebody that has no clue what they’re doing,” Trump told them.

In Florida, Trump also participat­ed in a meeting to review the response to COVID19 and the state’s preparedne­ss for

Hurricane Isaias, which was centred in the Bahamas on Friday and expected to move near South Florida on Saturday.

“It’s a pretty big storm,” said Trump, who asked Floridians to be cautious. “I don’t know if it’s going to be a hurricane or not, but it’s a storm. It’s significan­t.”

The president addressed a range of issues at the event about the hurricane and the pandemic, even touching on his promised health care plan. Florida reported 257 new coronaviru­s deaths on Friday, the highest daily count so far and the fourth record day in a row.

Trump promised that he would “immediatel­y” replace President Barack Obama’s health care law with a plan of his own that would provide “insurance for everybody,” but he has yet to reveal his plan. Trump said during an exchange with reporters that he was preparing to unveil his plan “soon,” suggesting perhaps as early as Sunday. The president, has previously suggested a forthcomin­g replacemen­t plan without delivering.

Florida is considered essential for the president’s reelection prospects. He won the state with a 1.2% margin in 2016, but most polls have shown him trailing Biden.

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