Penticton Herald

Tories, Bloc want to usurp power


Dear Editor:

Watching Conservati­ve MP Pierre Poilievre’s performanc­e of throwing redacted copies into the air, exclaiming Liberals are hiding the truth, epitomize the truth about these investigat­ions — they are not about substance, they are just political theatre.

Poilievre is a polarizing figure in Ottawa. Detractors such as former NDP leader Thomas Mulcair called him “smug and arrogant.”

His former boss, Stockwell Day, said “Poilievre is hard to know, but he’s always willing to take on the difficult tasks.”

Today he relishes his role as the party’s lead prosecutor.

The Liberals have admitted this was not their finest hour, but it was an emergency and Canadians needed help right away. If the process got sloppy it was because Liberals were in haste to do good.

Released documents clearly show what the Liberals have said along. Conservati­ves did find one descriptiv­e flip-comment among the 5,000 pages.

But does one comment constitute a scandal? Or does it just indicate somebody might need a vacation.

Poilievre has delivered a constant stream of bad-faith arguments. Using cabinet confidenti­ally redactions, he concludes the Liberals are hiding something; therefore the investigat­ion must continue — baseless partisan puffery looking to build a mountain of scandal out of a molehill of procedural errors.

Conservati­ves are offering Canadians Stephen Harper redux — back to the future.

Except, we’ve already realized those answers did not fit well then and we know they certainly don’t fit our post COVID-19 world now.

The prorogatio­n shut down the unproducti­ve Conservati­ve tactic of endless, timewastin­g partisan attacks and reset the legislativ­e agenda, to bring in sweeping changes to Canada’s social safety net.

In Ottawa today, the centre is under attack from the fringe; the Conservati­ves and Bloc seek to usurp power; the Liberals,

NDP and Greens want to help Canadians. Jon Peter Christoff

West Kelowna

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