Penticton Herald

NDP is no longer democratic


Dear Editor:

“Democracy” is no longer a part of the New Democratic Party.

According to its website, the NDP emphasizes “egalitaria­nism, social equality, protecting the environmen­t, and strengthen­ing the social safety net through liberalism. They support voting rights and minority rights, including LGBT rights, multicultu­ralism, and religious secularism.”

However, in three B.C. constituen­cies, the basic element of democracy, voting rights, has gone by the wayside.

In Merritt, the election committee resigned in protest as NDP leaders decided who should be the candidate in that district. “They have interfered in, obstructed, bullied and dictated how things are to be run without any input from our elected Executive.” ( Herald, Sept. 19).

In our northern Stikine constituen­cy, the B.C. NDP’s Equity Mandate states that “when a male MLA does not seek re-election, the party requires the next nominee be a member of an equity-seeking group, such as an Indigenous person or a woman.” As a result, an indigenous person will get the nod, despite one of B.C.’s most prominent retired Federal MPs, Nathan Cullen, also seeking the candidacy for that area.

And then of course, we have the situation in the Penticton/Summerland constituen­cy, where Summerland’s mayor, Toni Boot, got the nod from NDP headquarte­rs without a run-off between her and another Summerland­er seeking the nomination, Doug Holmes.

It seems the NDP is no longer democratic, rather it has become an “oligarchy,” with government by the few. Frank Martens


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