Penticton Herald



What kind of day will today be? To find out what the stars say, read the forecast given for your birth sign. For Thursday, Feb. 25, 2021


(March 21 to April 19)

Today you feel restless or excited, as if you're all dressed up with no place to go. Perhaps you're waiting for something to happen. Or perhaps you are processing something that already happened.


(April 20 to May 20)

Today you will meet someone who is unusual. This person might be a new acquaintan­ce or, possibly, someone you already know who is doing something that surprises you.


(May 21 to June 20)

Your dealings with bosses, parents, teachers and the police are unpredicta­ble today. Therefore, you won't know what to expect. Guard against knee-jerk reactions. Be cool.


(June 21 to July 22)

A surprise opportunit­y to travel or do something that expands your experience of the world will happen today. You might learn something new. You might go someplace you've never been before.


(July 23 to Aug. 22)

Gifts, goodies and favors from others might surprise you today. Someone might give you something or let you use something that they own. Lucky you!


(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)

Someone close to you -- a partner or close friend -- will probably say or do something that you didn't expect. It might be exciting. It might put a new spin on things.


(Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)

Surprising news related to your job, your health or a pet will occur today. Stay light on your feet so you can react in whatever way is best for everyone.


(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)

This is a mildly accident-prone day for your kids, so keep your eyes peeled. Make sure they are not near hazardous situations. Meanwhile, an unexpected invitation might come your way. Yay!


(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)

Something new and unexpected will impact your home life today. Someone unexpected might show up at the door. You might spontaneou­sly buy something high-tech for where you live.


(Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)

Today is a kind of day where you will meet new faces, see new places and hear new ideas. It's an exciting day!


(Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)

Keep track of your money and possession­s today, because things are a bit unpredicta­ble. You might find money; you might lose money. Be wise and protect what you own against loss, theft or damage.


(Feb. 19 to March 20)

This is an interestin­g day, because you will encounter new experience­s. You might gain a greater insight into the world around you! Meanwhile, you will be quick-witted and lively! YOU BORN TODAY: You are intelligen­t, honest and energetic. You often feel misunderst­ood. Exciting changes and opportunit­ies await you this year. Count on new adventures! If you can, explore opportunit­ies to travel. Do whatever you can to expand your world through learning. Welcome change! Your personal freedom is your goal this year. BIRTHDATE OF: George Harrison, musician; Tea Leoni, actress; Chelsea Handler, comedian.

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