Penticton Herald

Husband thinks wife might be poisoning him

- ELLIE Ask Ellie Send relationsh­ip questions to

QUESTION: I’m man who’s been having slowly worsening health for no explanatio­n. It’s led me to think about whether my wife could be poisoning me.

I was taking benzodiaze­pines for many years at high doses for a panic disorder and finally got treatment to get off them.

I went through Post-Acute-Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) for 26 months and started to feel better. Then, about two years after PAWS, I started to have symptoms like panic episodes.

I had many doctor-ordered tests which always came out negative.

About six months ago, I was having episodes where my blood pressure would go really high (242/149).

I was put on two types of blood pressure medicines which helped, but I would have other symptoms that made me were very uncomforta­ble: Cold spells (chills), nausea, diarrhea, light headedness, peripheral vision issues, hair falling out, lethargy and shakes, and feeling like I was being “drugged.”

My relationsh­ip with my wife is and has been strained for some time. I believe that she feels her needs are not being met as a result of my health concerns.

I’ve been paying for a life insurance policy that will pay her $500K in the event of my death. That policy expires at age 70. I’m now 62.

I could be mistaken here in my wonderings, but what if . . .?

All tests from the doctors come back negative but I’ve not been asking them to test for poisoning.

What are your thoughts?

— Concerned Husband ANSWER: Anyone who believes that his or her spouse is not only capable of administer­ing poison but would actually do so to gain the funds from an insurance policy, needs to proceed cautiously and check out certain facts.

You’ve seen enough doctors, had enough tests and suffered enough ongoing symptoms, to pursue the question that, at its most innocent, could be spiking your panic attacks.

Return to the main physician overseeing your case and ask for tests which cover the possibilit­y of poison being involved, whether through unknown drug interactio­ns or by purposeful intent.

Also, according to an article in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, benzodiaze­pines, some of the most commonly prescribed medication­s in the world, are “sedative-hypnotics (that) can provide rapid relief for symptoms like anxiety and insomnia but are also linked to a variety of adverse effects (whether used long-term, short-term, or as needed).”

Moreover, “Many patients take benzodiaze­pines long-term without ever receiving evidence-based first-line treatments (e.g., psychother­apy, relaxation techniques, and sleep hygiene education.”

In other words, your symptoms and reactions may have nothing to do with your speculatio­ns about your wife’s intentions.

Also, consider talking to your lawyer about your life insurance policy and whether it’s possible to make a change to it that would help eliminate your concerns regarding her.

If you do find any evidence of intentiona­l harm, take it directly to the police.


Your suggestion­s to seek counsellin­g often meet with resistance from those new to it. I’d like to tell people that when it sounds scary it’s only at the beginning.

After you start learning the dynamics of your own stuck places and some behaviour changes to move forward, your life can readily become interestin­g, comfortabl­e and enjoyable once more.

Good profession­al assistance is like a helpful manual to an improved and happier life. It’s guidance to making necessary shifts with supportive patience for moving through bad habits and essential changes.

FEEDBACK: Regarding the husband exhausted after work, wanting to relax with the kids, eat dinner, watch TV and go to sleep (February 11):

READER: His “wants” don’t include dealing with breakfast dishes that are probably still waiting at the end of the workday, making that dinner, clearing up afterwards, bathing the kids, maybe folding some laundry.

Then the weekends: Grocery shopping, vacuuming, changing beds, etc. She’s likely just as tired after work, and rather than doing his share, or even noticing why she might be reacting, he wants to go to bed.

Counsellin­g may deal with their “private time as a couple,” but I doubt that’s her top priority.

ELLIE: Since he agreed to counsellin­g, that’s the arena where the two together will get feedback on what’s fair in this relationsh­ip and what isn’t (obvious facts you mention) plus what’s needed to be equal partners which includes sharing tasks.




With uncertaint­y and fear leading to suspicion about possibly being poisoned by your spouse, check the scientific facts available in your already doctor-reviewed medical tests.

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