Penticton Herald

I dreamed a dream


Dear Editor:

Last night I had a terrible nightmare, it was a bad one. I dreamt that I was back at work, and I was lost.

There was a crowd of people that I knew, and they were all looking for me, and one of them in the crowd was me. A bloke from the crowd who I knew very well, but didn’t recognize, came up to me and said, “You should know where Don is, you were the last one to see him.”

This bloke was carrying a big garden shovel, similar to the one my first wife and I had bought recently, even in the dream/nightmare I knew it wasn’t going to go well for me.

Thankfully my “Pee Alarm” went off, and I was never so glad to have to wake up and get up for my third visit to the Chamber Maid. After my relief, I was very reluctant to go back to bed with the good possibilit­y that the nightmare would return. In full disturbing colour.

I went and checked on my first wife; she was bundled up in her bed with one leg hanging out of the blankets keeping the rest of her cool. I then returned to thinking about the nightmare. I thought about putting a pullover on and then going out to check on the garden shed to see if our new shovel was missing.

I am 82 and have been around the block a few times, but I wonder if someone with less resolve than I and perhaps being far more vulnerable could perhaps not be able to turn off evil thoughts that had entered their mind. A person who might have been ill treated as a child, a soul who cannot cope with present day reality. Is it my imaginatio­n or is this world we now live in turning another page where evil deeds are on the rise?

There is hardly a day goes by now, when the news isn’t rampant regarding some horrific evil deed that has been done to some unsuspecti­ng innocent victim. Are mental health issues on the rise or is it just that we are all now basking in web type woes that are incidents a few years back would never have seen the light of day? Don Smithyman


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