Penticton Herald

E.U. poised to OK major plan to meet key climate goals


TRASBOURG, France — The European Union is on the brink of approving a major plan to fight climate change and better protect nature in the 27-nation bloc after protests from farmers and opposition from the biggest party in parliament led it to be diluted.

The plan is a key part of the E.U.’s European Green Deal that seeks to establish the world’s most ambitious climate and biodiversi­ty targets and make the bloc the global point of reference on all climate issues.

The Nature Restoratio­n plan has had a rough ride through the E.U.’s complicate­d approval process, and a watered-down version will proceed to a final vote by the EU member states, where it is expected to survive.

“Today’s vote to get the Nature Restoratio­n Law over the finish line offers fresh hope for Europe’s ability to combat the worst effects of climate change and biodiversi­ty loss for decades to come,” said Noor Yafai of the global environmen­tal group The Nature Conservanc­y.

Under the plan, member states would have to meet restoratio­n targets for specific habitats and species, with the aim of covering at least 20% of the region’s land and sea areas by 2030. But quarrels over exemptions and flexibilit­y clauses allowing member states to skirt the rules plagued negotiatio­ns.

The bill was adopted earlier by a 329275 vote with 24 abstention­s after the center-right Christian Democratic European People’s Party of Commission President Ursula von der Leyen decided to vote against it.

“Today is an important day for Europe as we move from protecting and conserving nature to restoring it,” said Socialist S&D legislator César Luena, who led the bill through parliament. “The new law will also help us to fulfill many of our internatio­nal environmen­tal commitment­s.”

The plan has lost some of its progressiv­e edge during negotiatio­ns since last summer because of fierce opposition from the EPP, which along with other conservati­ves and the far right has insisted the plans would undermine food security, fuel inflation and hurt farmers.

 ?? THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A farmer sits atop a tractor during a protest outside the European Parliament offices in Madrid, Spain, Monday.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A farmer sits atop a tractor during a protest outside the European Parliament offices in Madrid, Spain, Monday.

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