Penticton Herald

Leave the lies off letters page


Dear Editor:

“Attacking the Messenger” (letters,

March 27).

There goes J.P. Christoff playing off of the Russian grievance playbooks of being victimized and attacked by David Buckna and Doug Lychak’s rebuttals. Spreading unreasonab­le and intolerant prejudiced beliefs about Ukraine and Ukrainians, isn’t that bigotry? The majority of us are not being swallowed up by pro-Russian and anti-Ukrainian propaganda.

Fact: Ukrainian (19,500) children and babies are being illegally abducted, kidnapped, stolen, adopted and brainwashe­d by Russia. Shame on you for even implying that they are being ‘evacuated’ by Russia.

Fact: Ukrainians are courageous­ly, creatively, exhaustive­ly mounting fierce defence to exist in their own country and to retain what is theirs even when out-produced, out-gunned, and out-manned.

Fact: Ukrainians are re-claiming Ukrainian churches and extraditin­g illegally squatting Russian priests who are under the political authority of Moscow Patriarch Kirill; the same Patriarch Kirill who blesses Russian soldiers to kill, torture, rape, slaughter, and traumatize Ukrainian men, women, children and soldiers, and die needlessly as cannon fodder and martyrs for the Motherland and the ambitions of their barbaric ruler.

Fact: Ukraine will not ever negotiate peace in good faith with an illegitima­te power-hungry corrupt dictator and regime who has never honoured one treaty they’ve ever signed and who won’t abide by any internatio­nal law.

Fact: Russia is bombing, attacking, missiling, shelling, flooding and droning Ukrainian and Russian-speaking civilians in Ukraine. They illegally steal, torture, slaughter, butcher thousands of soldiers, medics, women, men, children and elderly civilians.

Fact: Russia has no right, no historical or existentia­l justificat­ion to invade, annex, steal, or occupy any country. They destroy for the sake of destroying, terrorize, massacre and decimate to cause pain and terror.

Christoff’s suggested Google searches are not where I could find facts. I am of the opinion that the majority of people prefer to research, reference, read and listen to legitimate, credible, well-documented reality and history truths.

Enough with the spread of misinforma­tion, disinforma­tion, and lies reiteratin­g word-for-word pro-RuZZia propaganda, narratives, and dangerous conspiraci­es. His bitterly harsh criticism sounds more like a smear campaign full of hatred, rumours, and cynicism. He seems to distrust pretty much everything about the West, NATO, liberal democracy, politics as well as his apparent disapprova­l of the peaceful, decent and courageous people of Ukraine, its brave soldiers, its president & government, not a ‘regime’ he insists they are. Let’s call a spade a spade.

As our “messenger”, Mr. Christoff could at least be forthright with well establishe­d and accurate informatio­n, valid details, truths and facts.

Suzanne Corno Kelowna

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