Philippine Canadian Inquirer (National)

A call for peace: Why Canada should tone down demands for Russian regime change

- BY ARND JURGENSEN, University of Toronto If the near-collision between Russian and NATO nu-

In late 2022, a frightenin­g escalation occurred in the war in Ukraine. During a large Russian bombardmen­t operation, a missile struck the Polish city of Prezewodów, six kilometres from the Ukrainian border, killing two civilians.

Condemnati­on by various heads of state was swift, furious and justified. However, as is often the case with war reporting, blame was laid before essential facts could be verified. Headlines immediatel­y claimed that the strike was of Russian origin, reportedly supported by anonymous senior intelligen­ce officials.

If it had indeed been true, it would have been the first official incursion into NATO territory by Russia since the start of the conflict.

‘An attack against all’

NATO, a military alliance of which Poland is a member, was crafted around the controvers­ial concept of “defence through deterrence” via Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty. It states that “an armed attack against one or more … shall be considered an attack against all.”

Effectivel­y, an armed incursion into Polish/NATO territory would then constitute a declaratio­n of war against all other alliance members, including the United States and Canada. With both Russia and three of NATO’s members in possession of vast nuclear arsenals, such a conflict would inevitably escalate into a potentiall­y species-ending nuclear exchange.

Fortunatel­y, cool heads prevailed, and Article 5 has not yet been triggered. Furthermor­e, within 48 hours of the Polish missile strike, previous reporting was called into question. New evidence suggested that, while the missile may have been Russian-made, its ownership was unknown, at least to the Polish government.

Some American officials say it was likely Ukrainian anti-air defences that caused the casualties.

This however, did not stop several western leaders, most notably British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, from continuing to lay the blame for the strike on Russia.

Nuclear power plant shelled

clear forces over Poland was not enough of a nuclear threat, the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzh­ia nuclear power plant, the largest of its kind in Europe, also came under shelling, according to the Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

As was the case with the missile strike in Poland, finger-pointing between Ukraine and Russia ensued. However, should a meltdown or power outage occur at Zaporizhzh­ia, it would make little difference to the millions affected by the radioactiv­e fallout or ensuing food insecurity as to whether the initial spark was of Russian or Ukrainian origin.

There have not been reports of shelling near the nuclear power plant in recent weeks, but it’s located in an area occupied by Russia that Ukraine is determined to retake. In other words, unless the IAEA is able to establish a safe zone, it remains in a potential conflict area.

The stakes have never been higher since the outbreak of the conflict. Yet despite these close calls with nuclear Armageddon, the Canadian federal government continues to support NATO and its partners in funding the conflict via weapons shipments.

It has so far also been in alignment with the western position of complicati­ng attempts at a negotiated settlement, calling for the vanquishin­g of Vladimir Putin and the Russian armed forces as opposed to negotiatio­n — effectivel­y advocating for regime change.

That means the responsibi­lity of diplomacy falls upon the citizens of NATO nations and civil society, for they must not allow those in power to use incidents like what happened in Poland, or any future incidents, as tools for further escalation of the conflict.

Toning it down

Canada, and the West at large, should tone down anti-Russian and regime change rhetoric because it reaffirms Putin’s propaganda that the West wants to destroy Russia. It also complicate­s peace negotiatio­ns.

Also, a post-Putin Russia may not necessaril­y be an easier negotiatin­g partner given the growing power of hardliners in Moscow.

Pressing for regime change also increases the likelihood of nuclear use, as Russian doctrine explicitly states that Russia will use nuclear weapons when the

country is threatened. Simply put, it is not in Canada’s interest, nor even in Ukraine’s, to risk nuclear Armageddon by pushing for Russian regime change.

Canadian civil society ought to call upon our government for cooler heads to prevail — and for peace to become the primary objective of Canadian policy on the war in Ukraine. ■

 ?? (KREMLIN.RU, CC BY 4.0) ?? Russian President Vladimir Putin at the virtual 14th BRICS Summit on June 23, 2022.
(KREMLIN.RU, CC BY 4.0) Russian President Vladimir Putin at the virtual 14th BRICS Summit on June 23, 2022.

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