Philippine Canadian Inquirer (National)

US political asylum to Filipino couple ‘ignorant’ act: Palace


MANILA — Malacañang on Tuesday dismissed as “ignorant” the decision of a US immigratio­n judge granting asylum to a Filipino couple critical of the Duterte administra­tion for fear of persecutio­n from the government if they are sent back home.

On December 3, San Francisco Immigratio­n Judge Ila Deiss granted a reprieve from deportatio­n to Philippine-born couple Rene and Joy Flores, who flew to the US initially to visit their relatives, but later participat­ed in protests against President Rodrigo Duterte.

Presidenti­al Spokespers­on Salvador Panelo, however, said the couple’s applicatio­n was “highly doubtful” since they have been illegally overstayin­g in the US.

He claimed the couple’s applicatio­n for asylum was a “stratagem of their lawyer for them to stay permanentl­y in the US and to shield them from being deported.”

“The ignorant granting of the judge of their applicatio­n would therefore set a dangerous precedent to other illegal aliens who can abusively use politics as a scapegoat in violating immigratio­n laws of the United States,” Panelo said in a statement.

“Apparently, they have opted for an easy way out at the expense of the Duterte Administra­tion,” Panelo, also Chief Presidenti­al Legal Counsel, said.

No persecutio­n

Panelo also denied that critics of the administra­tion are immediatel­y subjected to persecutio­n when sent back to the country.

“The Office of the President reiterates that this Administra­tion does not resort to any form of persecutio­n and welcomes criticisms as long as they are based on facts and not on rumors or fake informatio­n,” Panelo said.

“No citizen of this country has been charged in court nor clamped in jail by reason of criticism against the policies of the present government,” he added.

Panelo said he found it “amusing” that asylum was granted in favor of the Flores couple, considerin­g that the Palace has “never heard of” the couple being political activists.

“If they happen to be critics and they presently face criminal charges, it is because both the administra­tive and judicial officers found probable cause for certain infringeme­nt of laws and for which by law should be properly charged,” Panelo said.

“Their being critics have absolutely nothing to with their criminal prosecutio­n. They can not hide behind the mantle of the freedom of the press and of speech when they are found violating the laws of the land,” he added.

Reports showed that the couple’s counsel, Filipino immigratio­n lawyer Ted Laguatan argued before the US court that his clients faced “serious risks if they return to the Philippine­s” for being “openly against Duterte’s anti-human policies.”

Laguatan presented clippings from publicatio­ns on the Floreses joining protests and quotes of their anti-duterte statements; documentat­ion of alleged human rights violations documented by the Human Rights Watch and Amnesty Internatio­nal; and arguments for political asylum under the Convention against Torture. ■

Apparently, they have opted for an easy way out at the expense of the Duterte Administra­tion.

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