
The G7: Hard Talk or a Sleep-Walk?

- Jeremy Kinsman

As the Charlevoix G7 approaches, there is some question as to how the June 8-9 summit could play out as a Trumpian disaster. As veteran diplomat Jeremy Kinsman writes, if the disruptive president plays skunk at the La Malbaie garden party, Justin Trudeau should think about publicly calling him out on it and issuing a heavily qualified final communiqué.

Remember Pan Am Airlines? Eaton’s? Kodak? The Warsaw Pact? Brands that died because they didn’t keep up with competitor­s or with demand or with the pace of change. Will the G7 be the next to go? The outcome of the G7 Summit June 8-9 in Charlevoix may well decide.

The world’s press is coming to cover what they anticipate will be an epic dust-up with President Trump over

trade, climate, migration, populist nationalis­m, and the merits of the liberal internatio­nal rules-based order. They are asking how the G7 can pretend to global leadership if its leading member is retreating from the world in pursuit of America first, “always America first?”

Though he was relatively quiescent at his first Summit in 2017 in Italy, Donald Trump has been feeling his unilateral­ist and nationalis­t oats since. In fact, the 2017 G7 meeting didn’t really get much done. If it happens again, the question arises: are they necessary—particular­ly as the US President seems to hold authoritar­ian strongmen in higher favour than G7 democratic allies?

The Canadian chair, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, hopes to skirt conflict with an agenda of big-canvas hope. Its leitmotif, meant to be the “lens” through which to view everything else, is the Trudeau government’s timely mantra of gender equality and women’s empowermen­t. Its proclamati­on is rhetorical­ly unconteste­d even though the U.S. is slashing funding to abortion-tolerant internatio­nal health care agencies in ways that will cause real damage to women and girls. Its unconteste­d reasonable­ness can’t evade the fact that the agenda’s other four other items are highly divisive:

1. Investing in inclusive growth “that works for everyone,” including “open trade,” which will have to counter evidence that in the G7, inclusivit­y trends are in the other direction;

2. “Preparing for jobs of the future,” anticipati­ng technologi­cal change, which evokes globalizat­ion’s export of manufactur­ing jobs.

3. Climate change and clean growth, bound to challenge the Trump administra­tion’s science-denying isolation.

4. “Building a more peaceful and secure world.” Canada is safely mobilizing the G7 against the exclusion of Rohingyas and the subtractio­n of democracy

The world’s press is coming to cover what they anticipate will be an epic dust-up with President Trump over trade, climate, migration, populist nationalis­m, and the merits of the liberal internatio­nal rules-based order.

in Venezuela, and seeking robust solidarity against Russian misbehavio­ur. But will the G7 together re-dedicate support for democratic institutio­ns, the rule of law, and social trust at home?

Frank, open, and public disagreeme­nt could doom the G7 by exposing its disunity on the most important issues of the day. But the G7 could be equally doomed to irrelevanc­e by an attempt to paper over fundamenta­l difference­s in favour of loose agreements on hopeful generaliti­es and abhorrence of problems elsewhere, like Myanmar. The G7 is doing what its founders wanted to avoid: institutio­nalizing itself in ministeria­l committees and pronouncin­g on other peoples’ problems rather than knuckling down in candour to confront our own. Once, the annual G7 was the planet’s biggest political draw. It was first convened in 1975 at Rambouille­t and included the leaders of the United States, France, West Germany, Britain, Japan and Italy. Canada, under Pierre Trudeau and with backing from President Gerald Ford over objections by French President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, joined in 1976. The group originally sought to build on an informal forum of finance ministers of the world’s biggest economies set up in 1973 by U.S. Treasury Secretary George Schultz. Mired in their most serious recession since the 1930s, the leaders were grappling with the electoral costs of hard economic choices, and the G7 provided group political cover for unpopular decisions to tighten belts and to resist protection­ism.

As summits went from being only “economic” to also being geopolitic­al, the G-7 had big moments. There were gamechangi­ng confrontat­ions, notably between Brian Mulroney with Margaret Thatcher over her support for South Africa’s apartheid regime. The Europeans pressed Ronald Reagan to come off his hard line on the Cold War. He did, the Cold War ended and to suit more optimistic times, Russia joined what became a G8.

Anti-terrorism and anti-proliferat­ion moved to the top of the political agenda. After 9/11, the meetings re-committed to a common front against jihadism, searingly underlined when the 2005 Gleneagles Summit was interrupte­d by the London Undergroun­d bombings by radicalize­d British men that killed 52. (Will the infamous van murders on Toronto’s Yonge Street April 23 by a disturbed citizen similarly galvanize G7 members to face up to the homegrown damage wrought by our monetized social networks?)

On its main economic credo, the G7 was unwavering in its internatio­nalist faith in the rules-based system for dispute settlement and in open global markets and economic growth which indeed brought hundreds of millions out of poverty. But as China, India, and Brazil benefited and rose, they insisted on representa­tion and their say on the rules. Hopes for the more broadly-based and representa­tive G20—championed by Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin—accelerate­d at the G8’s expense when the financial crisis of 2008-09 called into question the credibilit­y of western economic management.

The G20 did help steer the world through the financial crisis. But it failed to find the political will and

agility to realize hopes it would enable trade-offs between developed and rising economies across sectors, so as to advance climate change mitigation and concession­s on world trade in respective negotiatio­ns that were stalled. It didn’t happen: the Paris Accord on climate change did emerge, though without binding national commitment­s, but the World Trade Organizati­on Doha Round collapsed.

Authoritar­ian regimes prospered from globalizat­ion with top-down economic command and controls. In the G20, they opposed discussion of human rights, inclusiven­ess, refugees, and, God knows, democracy. So did Russia, kicked out of the G7 over the annexation of Crimea in 2014, now embarked on a Putinesque fantasy adventure into a mythic Russian past of authoritar­ian glory.

In trying to re-gain its credibilit­y, the G7 comes across as defensive. Individual leaders are buffeted at home by political cross-winds from divided electorate­s. Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe may soon be forced from office. It’s unclear who will represent Italy. Britain’s Theresa May is on the ropes over Brexit, and Germany’s Angela Merkel is a reduced political force. France’s Emmanuel Macron has the most internatio­nal wind in his sails, but has to confront union rebellion at home.

When Pierre Trudeau hosted Canada’s first G7 Summit at Montebello in 1981, he wanted a North-South theme (Margaret Thatcher sneered, “Oh, come on, Pierre”.) The crowd of foreign journalist­s thirsted instead for the colour story on how justelecte­d conservati­ve Reagan would get along with social-democratic European partners. Trudeau did emerge as something of a global champion of developing countries. Reagan charmed everybody and went back to Washington evidently unchanged by anything he’d heard.

Justin Trudeau will be both skilled and lucky if his turn, again in an exFrench seignioria­l locale, comes off as well. Reaching a meaningful accord with climate skeptic and economic nationalis­t Donald Trump is going to be a stretch. On the other hand, with President Macron in Washington, President Trump seemed flexible on Iran and on trade. If the Trump who comes to Charlevoix is that guy, there’s some hope for conciliati­on. However, internatio­nal media are lusting for the “Great Disrupter show” knowing that Trump has systematic­ally disdained the norms of internatio­nal cooperatio­n that the G7 defends. Still, G7 leaders have tried to keep their own relationsh­ips with the U.S. president as constructi­ve as possible.

All share one point of agreement: relief that someone else is in the chair. They’ll give Trudeau a break. No one expects him alone to browbeat Trump into submission on issues like trade, climate, and migration. Widening income disparitie­s? No way Trump’s team would agree to that preoccupat­ion even being on the agenda. Trump’s hold-out and isolation will make an agreed communique of any substantiv­e significan­ce hard to produce.

If Canada pushes hard, it could blow up. Trump could walk out. Or not show up. However, if Canada goes instead just for a bland chair’s statement, in order to keep him in, it will show the G7 has no added value left. Exhortatio­ns to cut back on plastics, save the oceans, and empower women and girls won’t save its global brand for decisive relevance on G7 issues right now if they defer to Donald Trump’s fixations. Hopefully, someone at this meeting—Macron, Merkel—will step up and remind partners that the global economic recession that was the group’s founding raison d’etre has now been succeeded by a global democratic recession, whose reversal should be a challenge these democracie­s welcome. If they can’t because the biggest member is practising a divisive and unhealthy populist nationalis­m, the G7 will go the way of Enron and Nortel, and other once-great but mismanaged ventures that sleep-walked into obscurity.

Reaching a meaningful accord with climate skeptic and economic nationalis­t Donald Trump is going to be a stretch. On the other hand, with President Macron in Washington, President Trump seemed flexible on Iran and on trade.

If Trump remains a malign unilateral­ist presence, to save the G7, Justin Trudeau may have to recognize openly that the world’s major industrial­ized democracie­s reject Donald Trump’s harmful view of internatio­nal cooperatio­n, and his manhandlin­g of basic, inclusive tenets of democracy. A chairman’s closing statement that says “most of us here” continue to place our belief systems in internatio­nal rules-based cooperatio­n, fact-based and transparen­t decisionma­king and inclusivit­y may be the G7’s first such acknowledg­ed internal separation. But it may be its survival moment, a stand on values that looks forward confidentl­y to future, better, more harmonious, times. “Let’s see what happens.”

Contributi­ng writer Jeremy Kinsman is a former Canadian ambassador to Russia, the UK and the EU. He is affiliated with University of California, Berkeley. kinsmanj@shaw.ca

 ?? Adam Scotti photo ?? Prime Minister Trudeau attends a working luncheon during the G7 in Taormina. May 26, 2017.
Adam Scotti photo Prime Minister Trudeau attends a working luncheon during the G7 in Taormina. May 26, 2017.

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