Prairie Fire

Garage Sestina


Built first, hilltop. We moved in before the snow,

bunk beds in the loft where Bram and I would sleep

until our new house had walls, heat. Blue

light from the fishtank, tetras and pink-fleshed frogs

swimming back and forth through the night.

The tank and satellite TV were everything we needed,

our mother in the kitchen kneading

bread. Wild rice from the neighbours, first snow

falling on the green tin roof. Our father worked nights

at the hospital, Mother sipped coffee while we slept.

When did she sleep? She sewed quilts, CBC and frogs

for company. Mornings, the pines sent blue

shadows down the driveway, and Bram too, blue

superhero of himself, garage door open to the snow. Need,

want—we didn’t know the difference. A frog

floating belly-up after half-swallowing a fish. Snow

to bury their bodies. We didn’t know Bram was sick, sleepless

above me, needing insulin. I wasn’t afraid of nightfall

yet. Radio’s low murmur, my mother’s even breath all night

on the other side of a bookcase. Salamander­s stencilled blue

and pink in spraypaint on the concrete floor. Asleep,

awake, my mind scurried with colour. Mother’s needle,

a quilt she called “When the Geese Come Home…”. Snow—

so much we couldn’t go to school. Simon Says and leapfrog

off the futons. Finally, winter’s grip slipped. We squatted frog

legged on the shore, possibilit­ies flip-flopping under ice. Night

came slow. Our new house a skeleton wearing snow

like pearls. Sawdust, cedar. Coin smell of earth. Then Bram’s blue

veins straining in the hospital. Bram needing

so much, Mother refusing sleep,

and me, I felt lucky. I got to watch more TV, sleep

deeply a while longer. Sneak up on snakes and frogs

by the lake, still guilt-free, needless

to say, unworried about what might sneak up on me. Night

half-swallowed by morning. Black sky bluing

at the edges, warm breath over the garage, snow

dissolving like sleep. Dust, boxes of mice. Night

hawks hunting, frogs keening in weeds. Blue

evening, animal needs exposed, and so many months until snow.

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