Prairie Post (East Edition)

Elections powered by carbon tax, batteries


We are now in an election year in both Alberta and Canada.

A predictabl­e storm will continue to rage as unhappy voters head for polls.

The main issue will be the carbon tax.

The witless Liberals continue to be tone deaf and hell-bent to ram it through!

Let me be clear, there is a need to combat climate change. Also, let me be very clear, that no one can or will meet the Paris Accord Agreement.

Left-wingers meet, lie to each other, wave useless signed agreements in front of the media that are guaranteed to fail, and go home. And they do it over and over again! But there are many ways to logically get it right!

I agree that funding should come from government­s to increase research and developmen­t for wind, solar, tide, geothermal, batteries and clean water power generation. Those government funded programs can come from tax dollars we already pay, billions of which have been literally wasted by both existing government­s. The added cumbersome carbon tax is an unfair, pile on burden that is ripe for rebellion! Science and nature, given a chance outside of the hysteric babbling from Liberals and out of touch tree huggers, could serve us well.

My first example indicates that nature can heal itself from an oil spill, if only the do-gooders would get out of the way and give it a chance. Their lauded, insistence that we rush to tear up the landscape, only to move tons of chemical ladened soil to a different location is terribly mis-guided and wasteful.

Especially when we can nudge the ecosystem to do it for us. Soil bacteria and fungi can be awakened to consume the spill.

Injected every few years, in low concentrat­ions, nitrate and phosphate fertilizer­s combined with natural oxygen, start the natural process. Tests indicate that after just two years, sandy soils are 90% free of pollution. Spills in clay, not so much. So called “situ” restoratio­n can often be less costly and avoid ugly excavation.

Example number two is a world changing developmen­t for a better battery credited to two Canadians. Don Sadoway, a professor of materials chemistry at MIT is leading the charge. (Pardon the pun) Its chief technology officer, David Bradwell is also a Canadian, graduated from Queen’s University in Kingston.

They are in the latter stages of developing and successful­ly testing huge liquid lithium batteries that are powerful enough to provide electricit­y for entire neighbourh­oods.

The molten salt batteries are easy and cheap to build, generated by low, clean solubility and can be scaled up ever bigger by a simple stacking process.

The magnesium negative and antimony positive electrodes separated by molten salt are activated at low temperatur­es. They should retain 85% of their initial capacity after ten years.

Since electricit­y must normally be used a soon as it is produced, the batteries are a gigantic leap forward when twinned with unpredicta­ble wind and solar energy!

The prototype battery, about the size of a corrugated shipping container, is now situated at a manufactur­ing and developmen­t plant in Marlboroug­h, Mass. U.S.A.

The developmen­t company, “AMBRI” should have the lithium battery on the market in about three years. Carbon tax be damned!

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