Prairie Post (East Edition)

‘Simple-minded’ strikes again

- By Dale Ferrel

Our simple-minded Prime Minister strikes again, and again, and again. He conned his way into the job by riding on his father’s name and making promises he knew he could never keep! He was re-instated only because the Conservati­ves displayed their own versions of simpleton-itis.

As I write this, our country has suffered 19 torturous, expensive, days of unnecessar­y palliating and reproachfu­l inaction, by Trudeau’s futile degrading incompeten­ce. The police are enforcing the rule of law and removing blockades and a few of Canada’s, rightfully unhappy indigenous population combined with the usual outsiders who are inciting disturbanc­e some of whom apparently earn their living by creating havoc at every opportunit­y for anything happening outside of good governance. That said, the natives have been ardently, and abhorrentl­y hampered by an Indian Act designed to hurt them at every turn.

When will our federal politician­s finally develop the inspired compulsion and courage to repair our flawed, distorted, exasperati­ng and expletive rules of governance? Will we be destined to neverendin­g challenges to our rule of law?

Our country can not continue to be held at ransom while our infantile P.M. hides behind his ministers who claim they are negotiatin­g. That, while only vapid, pious lip service is happening.

Two weeks ago, Trudeau could have moved the embarrassi­ng, deteriorat­ing fiasco along by agreeing to the removal of protesters but he was hiding in Africa.

If in the country he is supposed to be governing; our simpleton leader could have explained that negotiatio­ns could only be feasible once the protesters decided who was in charge from among themselves and finally demonstrat­ing a willingnes­s to negotiate.

The ridiculous buck passing and blame game was never necessary, except for the infantile Trudeau who had no clue on how to deal with it and totally lacked any credibilit­y.

Under Trudeau, our country is rapidly declining into third world status. Essential trade and investment opportunit­ies are fading away and billions of dollars and thousands of jobs are vanishing as the world’s intoleranc­e and uncertaint­y grows daily!

Recently, Teck Resources withdrew its $20 billion oil-sands project, even showing their willingnes­s to take a more than $ 1 billion write down. They cited Trudeau’s self-indulgent, preoccupat­ion with climate change as the culprit.

That means 7,000 constructi­on and 2,500 operating jobs gone! Billions of dollars in revenue gone.

Will the simpleton, now, again tack on few billion dollars more to our deficit to keep our tattered country limping along?

Will the 40 ships backlogged at Vancouver; apprehensi­vely decide to go elsewhere in the future? Will the price of goods skyrocket as shortages continue? Will our dominion continue to see almost $1 billion worth of goods sitting idle each day with railways, roads and ports closed? Despondent Canadian manufactur­ing was in a slump for four months in a row even before the aforementi­oned bungling and hypocrisy.

My observatio­ns are that Trudeau and his ignorant, indiscreet, corrupt government should seriously consider that; “The mouth of the just bringeth forth wisdom; the lips of the rightous know what is acceptable.” (Proverbs)

His mediocrity no longer compels trust from most Canadians whose intoleranc­e has now come to an abrupt end.

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