Prairie Post (East Edition)

AHS: Let’s thank all the volunteers


By Lisa Doyle, AB Health Services

National Volunteer Week 2020 was from April 19-25. This year’s theme was “Its time to applaud this country’s volunteers”. Volunteers contribute to strengthen­ing communitie­s across the nation, and without their support, many programs, events, and initiative­s would not be possible.

According to Volunteer Canada, Canadians volunteere­d an average of 2 billion hours within 2013, highlighti­ng the tremendous work that is accomplish­ed. Youth aged 15-19 were noted to be the most prevalent to volunteer, while older adults ages 65-74 retained the most hours. Within Alberta, the Volunteer Alberta 2013 Survey results found 50.5% of people volunteer with an average of 161 hours each year.

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, many people may be asking how they can help. As social distancing is required to help prevent the spread of the virus, many people may be feeling alone. Being disconnect­ed from social interactio­ns can be challengin­g, and staying connected via phone, email, video chat or messenger can help provide comfort during the Pandemic.

Remember to check in with family, friends, and members of your community, and thank all the volunteers within your life. If you think about all the programs and events that take place within our communitie­s, many would not occur without the generous support of volunteers.

If you are interested in volunteeri­ng during the global emergency, there are also online volunteer opportunit­ies available. Let us thank all the volunteers within our lives by sending positivity their way. I also want to thank all the health care workers, front line workers, emergency services, researcher­s, and essential services volunteers and employees for the tremendous job they are doing.

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