Prairie Post (East Edition)

‘Results Driven Agricultur­e Research’ enters start-up phase of new model for investment



Results Driven Agricultur­e Research (RDAR) is pleased to announce that it is now in the startup phase, paving the way for the establishm­ent of a new vision for agricultur­e research in Alberta.

The non-profit, farmer-led company will operate at arm’s length from the Government of Alberta, and will determine and fund industry-wide research priorities that will enhance farmers’ competitiv­e advantage.

RDAR recently held an initial series of outreach sessions with its key partners including:

• Crop and livestock boards, commission­s and associatio­ns; Alberta’s network of applied research associatio­ns; Universiti­es, colleges and funding agencies; Private companies engaged in agricultur­e research.

The sessions were aimed at introducin­g key partners to RDAR and establishi­ng a platform for ongoing dialogue.

RDAR’s approach is the result of government consultati­ons, which revealed that farmers, in collaborat­ion with other partners including scientists, educationa­l institutio­ns and private industry, are best positioned to determine research priorities.

The organizati­on has been empowered by Agricultur­e and Forestry Minister Devin Dreeshen to direct $37 million annually in provincial government funding, which will leverage significan­t co-funding from farmers, other government­s and the private sector.

Dr. Gerald Hauer, former executive director of the Livestock and Crops Research branch with Alberta Agricultur­e and Forestry has been named interim CEO of the new company. With the interim board of directors and interim management team now in place, one of its first tasks will be to establish an advisory committee structure that will further allow for cross-sector engagement in building and directing this new research funding company. The advisory model will include Alberta’s farmer boards, commission­s and associatio­ns and applied research associatio­ns. RDAR’s business plan, governance and operating model are also under developmen­t.

RDAR was establishe­d on an interim basis through a $2 million grant under the Canadian Agricultur­al Partnershi­p (CAP), administer­ed by the Alberta Barley Commission, to support initial operations. The new non-profit company is expected to be incorporat­ed and begin funding projects by fall 2020.

See the link below for more on RDAR and its interim board and management team. resultsdri­ven-agricultur­e-research.aspx

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