Prairie Post (East Edition)

Amalgamati­on survey closes September 15: Crop commission­s looking for member input

- Contribute­d Visit wheatbarle­yconsultat­ to learn more.

The Alberta Wheat and Barley Commission­s have launched an online survey to consult with farmers on amalgamati­ng to form a single commission.

Since 2018, the commission­s have been operating with one management team serving two boards and separate financial structures. This consultati­on stems from resolution­s passed at the 2019 annual general meetings for both the Alberta Wheat Commission and Alberta Barley, which challenged the commission­s to complete a comprehens­ive review and consult with farmers on the potential to formally merge.

Survey deadline is September 15, 2021.

The farmer consultati­ons include the online survey, a series of town hall events in October, and further dialogue during Regional Meetings in November. Interested in learning more about the commission­s’ amalgamati­on consultati­on?

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