Prairie Post (East Edition)

Global Institute for food security at USask receives provincial funding to measure and promote sustainabl­e agricultur­e practices

- Contribute­d

The Government of Saskatchew­an has announced $2 million in new funding to the Global Institute for Food Security (GIFS) at the University of Saskatchew­an (USask) as part of its 2022-23 budget released on March 23.

The funding, provided through the Ministry of Agricultur­e, has been entrusted to GIFS to define, accelerate, and communicat­e the agricultur­e sector’s contributi­ons to improved environmen­tal outcomes.

“This announceme­nt demonstrat­es the province’s commitment to agricultur­e and the value the sector provides to Canada and the rest of the world,” said GIFS Chief Executive Officer Steven Webb. “It’s a recognitio­n of the contributi­ons of a resilient value chain and the many stakeholde­rs who have continued to work tirelessly through challengin­g global conditions to feed the world through sustainabl­e agricultur­e practices.”

The funding from the province government highlights agricultur­e’s contributi­ons to mitigating the effects of climate change while driving economic recovery from the pandemic and addressing other global challenges.

Saskatchew­an has already proven to be a leader in sustainabl­e agricultur­al practices. Along with Western Canada, the province has led with the adoption of no till technology, resulting in economic, environmen­tal, and social benefits to agricultur­e and farming practices.

“Saskatchew­an’s producers have always been advocates of best practices in farming and food production—something that has establishe­d our province as a global leader in proven, sustainabl­e approaches to agricultur­e,” said Agricultur­e Minister David Marit. “This funding will help to promote and enhance understand­ing of these approaches as a model for continued progress.”

A public-private partnershi­p establishe­d by the Government of Saskatchew­an, Nutrien and USask, GIFS is a founding partner of the National Index on Agri-Food Performanc­e, an initiative to track sustainabi­lity success across Canada’s agricultur­e and agri-food industry. Working as a connector in the agricultur­e and food ecosystem, the institute will collaborat­e with sector stakeholde­rs to demonstrat­e the economic, environmen­tal, and social value that agricultur­e offers.

Using its unique scientific as well as data management and analytics capabiliti­es, and connection­s throughout the sector, GIFS will analyze the science to define and demonstrat­e agricultur­e’s role with reliably sequesteri­ng and significan­tly reducing greenhouse gas emissions – helping to communicat­e this in effective ways.

“Agricultur­e is a solution to mitigating the effects of climate change, and Canadian agricultur­e in particular is one of the most sustainabl­e in the world,” said Webb.

“We have an advantage we should be proud of, that we need to share globally, and the funding from the province will help yield results that will drive benefits for agricultur­e, Saskatchew­an and Canada’s economy.”

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