Prairie Post (East Edition)

Ag groups urge Government of Saskatchew­an to undertake risk assessment of proposed Bunge-Viterra Merger

- Contribute­d

Leaders from four farm groups representi­ng the Agricultur­al Producers Associatio­n of Saskatchew­an (APAS), SaskCanola, Sask Wheat and SaskBarley have penned a leter to Saskatchew­an’s Agricultur­e Minister, urging the Government of Saskatchew­an to conduct a thorough risk assessment concerning the proposed merger of Bunge and Viterra, currently under review by Transport Canada and Competion Bureau Canada.

In the leter, the leaders commend the government’s past efforts, specifical­ly referencin­g the assessment­s conducted in 2010 for the proposed merger of BHP Billiton and Potash Corporatio­n of Saskatchew­an and the 2012 examinatio­n of the Glencore-Viterra merger as valuable precedents. The four organizati­ons strongly advocate for a similarly rigorous approach for the present proposal.

To provide guidance for this critical assessment, the group proposed six key areas for considerat­ion:

1. Assessment of Historical Consolidat­ion Impacts: An in-depth analysis of the consequenc­es of previous consolidat­ions within Saskatchew­an’s agricultur­al industry.

2. Regional Competion within the Grain Handling System: A comprehens­ive evaluation of regional competitio­n dynamics throughout the province’s grain handling system.

3. Implicatio­ns on Agricultur­al Markets and Supply Chain: A detailed study of the potential implicatio­ns the merger may have on agricultur­al markets, commodity pricing, and the overall supply chain.

4. Port Infrastruc­ture Consolidat­ion and Internatio­nal Market Access: An examinatio­n of the possible consolidat­ion of port infrastruc­ture and its effects on Saskatchew­an’s access to internatio­nal markets and delivery at inland handling facilities.

5. Market Concentrat­ion and Ownership: An assessment of the resulting changes in industry ownership and market concentrat­ion within the province.

6. Impact on Employment: An evaluation of the potential impact on head office jobs and employment within the grain industry across Saskatchew­an.

As the 2023 harvest season approaches its conclusion, concerns within the province have become evident. A survey released by RealAgricu­lture on September 20 showed that 79 percent of western farmers expressed concern about the proposed merger, with Saskatchew­an farmers expressing the highest level of concern.

All the leaders emphasized the importance of creating a structured process for engaging with the farm community and listening to their concerns, describing it as both a valuable and timely undertakin­g. The group believes that such an effort would be greatly appreciate­d by farmers and would contribute significan­tly to informed decisionma­king.

For media inquiries, please contact: Ryan McNally, APAS Communicat­ions Manager | 306-7895176 | communicat­ Ellen Grueter, SaskCanola Communicat­ions Manager | 306-975-0262 | Dallas Carpenter, Sask Wheat Comms. Manager | 306-653-7967 |

dallas.carpenter@saskwheat. ca Cole Christense­n, SaskBarley Communicat­ions Manager | 306-250-1099 |

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