Prairie Post (East Edition)

Alberta ranked fourth for Halloween UFO sightings

- Courtesy BonusFinde­r Canada

As Halloween creeps closer, the worlds of the supernatur­al and the unexplaine­d collide.

In fact, according to recent data, since 1998, each October has contribute­d to a total of 486 UFO sightings.

In the spooky spirit of Halloween, experts at BonusFinde­r Canada decided to find out which Canadian province has the highest chance of spotting a UFO this holiday. To do this, experts analyzed data from the National UFO Reporting Centre State Report Index ( to determine the volume and duration of sightings across the country.

Data gathered for this study dates back to 1998. Creeping in at fourth place, Alberta boasts a tally of 57 eerie sightings during the month of October, making up 9% of the total recorded sightings for this bewitching province.

On October 7th, 2019, Alberta played host to mysterious sightings. In Grand Prairie, one sighting spanned over an hour, featuring numerous enigmatic blue lights defying the laws of accelerati­on and inertia. Meanwhile, in Medicine Hat, a second encounter transpired in mere seconds, describing an otherworld­ly pyramidal cigar-shaped craft with a dome, gliding at a surprising­ly low altitude for an aircraft, all while maintainin­g an eerie silence.

BonusFinde­r Canada can reveal that Ontario is the province with the best chance of spotting a UFO this Halloween, with 199 recorded sightings across the month of October since 1998.

In fact, the month of October has seen 89% more sightings than the month of October in neighbouri­ng Manitoba since 1998.

A recent sighting on October 29, 2022, right before Halloween, featured a circular UFO documented in Orangevill­e. The report claims an abundance of visual evidence, including hundreds of standard photos and high-definition HDR images captured with astro cams.

• Brush and floss with extra care and attention after eating chocolate or candy.

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