Prairie Post (East Edition)

Cor Van Raay bequests “transforma­tive” sum for Chinook Regional Hospital Foundation


Known for his deep roots in farming in the Picture Butte area, Cor Van Raay, who passed away in 2021 at 85 years old, bequeathed a portion of his estate to the Chinook Regional Hospital Foundation (CRHF), according to a recent CRHFissued press release on Oct. 19.

Van Raay, a renowned philanthro­pist, resided in and farmed in Picture Butte for over 50 years, and is known for his various successful agricultur­e ventures as well as leaving an indelible mark on the feedlot industry in Alberta.

The CRHF’s media release did not include any specific figures about the magnitude of the bequest made by Cor Van Raay’s estate.

In the years following his passing, Van Raay’s philanthro­pic legacy continues to have a profound impact across southern Alberta. Noted by Allan Bartolcic, Executive Director of the Chinook Regional Hospital Foundation, in the recent media release, “receiving this monumental bequest from Mr. Cor Van Raay fills us with profound gratitude. His relentless support for local initiative­s has been a source of inspiratio­n. With his gift, our Foundation will further its mission of touching the lives of southern Albertans in profound ways.”

The CRHF expressed, “deep gratitude for this monumental bequest from Cor Van Raay,” noting Van Raay’s “significan­t contributi­on, stands as a symbol of Van Raay’s dedication to the enrichment and welfare of the southern Alberta community. His lasting impact will undoubtedl­y benefit countless individual­s and families in the years ahead.”

As a highly respected figure in the local business community Van Raay was known as being an advocate for community projects. In October 2021, Van Raay was inducted into the

Alberta Order of Excellence, the highest provincial honour.

The release highlighte­d Van Raay’s lifelong generosity in supporting the “enhancemen­t of care for patients and staff at the Chinook Regional Hospital,” and verified the CRHF’s continued commitment to, “realizing Van Raay’s vision of a resilient, inclusive, and thriving community.”

The CRHF-issued release noted, “the impact of this bequest will reverberat­e throughout our community, positively influencin­g countless lives and propelling further progress in our programs, services, and facilities,” writing the Foundation is “better equipped to address the pressing needs of our community,” thanks to the bequest.

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