Prairie Post (East Edition)

Alberta NDP wants establishm­ent of provincial wildfire task force

- By Al Beeber Alberta Newspaper Group

Winter is here but as of Dec. 31 62 wildfires were still active in Alberta in a year that saw 10 times more area burned than the five-year average.

While the province experience­d an average number of wildfires – a total of 1,088 – those blazes burned 22,000 square kilometres (2.2 million hectares) from March 31 to Oct. 31.

According to the Alberta Wildfire Status Dashboard, there are five current-year wildfires burning, one each in the Calgary, Grande Prairie and High Level forest areas and two in the Lac La Biche forest area. The amount of area burned in any one area is at most half a hectare.

The fire situation last year has prompted the provincial NDP to ask the Alberta government to immediatel­y establish a joint wildfire task force that will include representa­tives from provincial and municipal government­s and firefighte­r unions. The Official Opposition is also asking for a seat on the task force.

The task force, said NDP critics Heather Sweet and Jodi Calahoo Stonehouse in a letter to Minister of Forestry and Parks Todd Loewen, “should begin providing regular updates to Albertans in February, before fire season begins, on the proactive work that is being done to limit the damage and risk of wildfires.”

The NDP said drought conditions in the province will likely increase the fire risk across the province. The fire situation is due to climate change, says the NDP, with 80 per cent of the hectares burned in 2023 – 1.75 million – being caused by lightning.

The NDP also wants the province to negotiate with Ottawa on an insurance program to protect agricultur­al producers.

“The loss of crops in 2023 due to fire was immense and clearly our producers need to be able to proactivel­y protect their livelihood­s,” says the letter.

In a phone interview this week, Calahoo Stonehouse – the critic for Environmen­t, Parks and Climate Resilience – said one way to prevent wildfire damage is by doing prescribed burns, an ancient practice of First Nations that will protect not only forests, but crops, communitie­s and animals.

Prescribed burns are fires that are intentiona­lly started by fire specialist­s which can have several objectives including habitat enhancemen­t, disease eradicatio­n or preparatio­n for tree planting.

They are used to restore health to ecosystems.

The number of fires is concerning, she said.

“There just isn’t enough moisture so considerin­g what we saw last summer, last spring, we’re really pushing for the government to be pro-active rather than reactive. Throwing money at relief is just not responsibl­e and that’s why we issued the letter,” said Calahoo Sweetgrass, MLA for Edmonton-Rutherford. The task force could accomplish several things, including transparen­cy on reporting to Albertans on what work is being done and what has been done, the MLA said.

“We can start to mitigate some of the horrors that we experience­d last year. With this task force, by engaging with citizens – ranchers, farmers, folks who have experience with fires, we can learn from folks what works, what didn’t work so that way we have a strategy to prevent harm to people, home, lands, their farms, to their herds and protect Albertans and crops,” said Calahoo Stonehouse.

“We must adapt and prepare to deal with the reality of climate change,” she added.

The letter has gotten no response yet from the Minister, said the MLA.

Calahoo Stonehouse said with the drought conditions and record low levels of moisture and precipitat­ion, there are serious concerns.

“How are we going to fight fires without water?” The MLA said innovative approaches exist in mitigation to reduce harm. Prescribed burns are among them.

“We can remove brush, dry brush, we can do work ahead of time. We can prepare the firefighte­rsâ ¦we can do emergency training, we can prepare for evacuation. There are things we need to be doing. We need to be proactive to reduce the harm to farms, to crops, to animals, to birds and keep as much of the water protected as well.

Prescribed burns were a historic practice to keep communitie­s safe, she said.

“We didn’t have firetrucks and emergency service responders. We had to be able to protect the herds, the buffalo herds and prescribed burning is an ancient tactics we used to protect the crops, the gardens, the communitie­s, the animals. And it certainly is a tactic that needs to be implemente­d,” said Calahoo Stonehouse. “We are going to have to do things that are unpreceden­ted because we are headed into unpreceden­ted times.”

“And we need to also think about the carbon that is released from the forest fires,” added the MLA.

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