Prairie Post (East Edition)

Prevent burnout and improve wellness in four simple steps


These few simple tips may help prevent burnout and restore mental wellness. Psychologi­st, author and speaker Dr. Jody Carrington says the basis of emotional struggles is dysregulat­ion, or not knowing how to stay calm in times of distress.

“The fundamenta­l ingredient­s in emotional dysregulat­ion are uncertaint­y, fear and the thought that there’s no end in sight,” Carrington says.

Top tips for emotional wellness

At a past FCC virtual event, Carrington shared four tips for improving emotional regulation and preventing burnout:

1 Reconnect

Humanity is wired for connection. Reconnect with loved ones and your purpose. Why are you running a farm business? Why are you raising your family in the location you’re in? Why are you on this planet? The reason why you do what you do matters.

2 Rest

Research suggests 45% of every 24-hours should be spent resting. While sleep is the biggest indicator of emotional regulation, rest time can also include doing your favourite or relaxing activities.

3 Choose joy

Experienci­ng joy is a choice. Humans can experience multiple emotions at the same time, but one always takes precedence. So, if we spend all our time planning for the worst, the joy is overlooked. Laughter triggers remarkable changes in our bodies. When was the last time you belly-laughed with your family? When was the last time you danced in your kitchen?

4 Practice gratitude

Gratitude is powerful, but it takes practice. Being grateful involves shifting the focus from the stresses in life to what’s going well. Think specifical­ly of what brings gratitude today, even if it’s something small.

Also, self-reflect and consider why your family, farm and community are lucky to have you. What do you bring to the table that makes them better? These may be difficult questions to answer, but they are important.

Practical first steps

Carrington advises a first step of holding space for those currently experienci­ng or near burnout instead of trying to fix things right away. Breathe in. Drop your shoulders.

Relax your jaw. Drop your tongue from the roof of your mouth.

If it’s a loved one approachin­g or experienci­ng burnout, her best advice is to lead by example.

“You can’t tell them how to regulate emotion - you have to show them. You become the answer - not necessaril­y in fixing what anyone else is going through but dropping those shoulders and showing them.”

In an immediate mental health crisis, call 9-1-1 or go to a hospital. For more informatio­n on the resources available for mental health on the farm, go to

Bottom line

Emotional struggles are frequently based in dysregulat­ion or not knowing how to stay calm during distress. Experts say to improve emotional fitness, reconnect with friends and loved ones as much as possible, rest, be deliberate with emotions and practice gratitude. Article by Rebecca Hannam

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