Prairie Post (East Edition)

M.D. of Taber creates Shelterbel­t Program

- By Heather Cameron Alberta Newspaper Group

The M.D. of Taber has a Shelterbel­t Program.

“The Municipal District of Taber Agricultur­al Service Board created the Shelterbel­t Program in 2019,” said a spokespers­on for the M.D. of Taber. “The purpose of the Municipal District of Taber’s Shelterbel­t Program is to assist farmers in establishi­ng shelterbel­ts around yards and fields. They will be involved in the planning, applicatio­n, and, if approved, the planting of trees. The costs are shared equally between the MD of Taber and the landowner, and Agricultur­al Services may assist with planting and setting up drip irrigation if water is available nearby.”

The shelterbel­ts, according to the M.D. of Taber, offer various benefits, including providing protection for yard sites and livestock, conserving soil, trapping snow, safeguardi­ng water quality, and creating wildlife habitat.

The shelterbel­t program, the M.D. of Taber says, also aligns with the M.D. of Taber’s Soil Conservati­on Program and the Government of Alberta’s Soil Conservati­on Act, aiming to preserve the agricultur­al land base and ensure the long-term productivi­ty of the farming sector.

The program, the M.D. says, is open to landowners and farmers within the Municipal District of Taber and there is no specific age restrictio­n for participat­ion; rather, it is targeted at individual­s and families engaged in agricultur­al activities within the district.

“The program was establishe­d to address various environmen­tal concerns and aligns with the Soil Conservati­on Act, aiming to prevent soil loss or deteriorat­ion, particular­ly from wind and water erosion,” said the M.D. of Taber. “Additional­ly, it serves to replace aging shelterbel­ts and contribute­s to the overall beauty of the landscape while providing habitat for wildlife.”

To participat­e in the Shelterbel­t Program, the M.D. of Taber says, interested individual­s can fill out the Shelterbel­t Applicatio­n Form available on the M.D. of Taber’s website at­t. The completed forms can be emailed to Jorden Holst, Manager of Agricultur­al Services, or delivered in person to the Administra­tion office in Taber or the Operations & Maintenanc­e Facility, located one kilometre west of Taber on Highway 3. For additional informatio­n on the program, the M.D. of Taber says, interested parties can call 403-223-8735.

“The Municipal District of Taber recognizes the significan­ce of the Shelterbel­t Program in addressing environmen­tal challenges, preserving soil quality, and contributi­ng to the long-term sustainabi­lity of the farming sector,” said the M.D. of Taber. “The program is viewed as a valuable initiative that not only helps mitigate soil erosion and conserve water quality but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of the landscape. The Shelterbel­t Program is an excellent example of the Municipal District of Taber’s commitment to environmen­tal conservati­on and sustainabl­e agricultur­e. It not only supports farmers in addressing specific challenges but also contribute­s to the overall well-being and aesthetic enhancemen­t of the community. Interested individual­s are encouraged to take advantage of this program to make a positive impact on their agricultur­al practices and the environmen­t.”

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