Prairie Post (East Edition)

Monarch subdivisio­n applicatio­n approved by council

- By Heather Cameron

During the County of Lethbridge Council Meeting that took place on February 1, Hilary Janzen, Manager of Planning and Developmen­t for Lethbridge County, and Steve Harty, Senior Planner at the Oldman River Regional Services Commission presented a subdivisio­n applicatio­n to Council.

The applicatio­n, Janzen said, is in the hamlet of Monarch just off of Eastman Road, on the south side of Monarch, and it is to subdivide a 0.44 acre title into two equal lots being 0.22 acres each in side. Janzen stated that the proposed subdivisio­n does meet the criteria of the Land Use Bylaw: the parcel size exceeds the minimum parcel size allowed within the hamlets, there is ample water and sewer access in this particular hamlet, and it was also identified in the Hamlet Growth Study as a parcel that could be split.

Harty concurred that the applicatio­n is to accommodat­e some more exciting growth in the hamlet of Monarch and the applicant wishes to split into two equal lots. The proposed lots, Harty said, will create two good sized residentia­l lots that are 80 by 120 ft. that exceed the bylaw minimum size, and other than one shed/garage accessory building, the present parcel is vacant after a former manufactur­ed home was removed in July 2023. The resulting lots, Harty said, will enable two new residentia­l dwellings to be constructe­d in the hamlet. Both of the proposed lots, Harty said, have direct access to Eastman Road with an existing approach in place for the east lot and a culvert installed to accommodat­e an additional driveway to the west lot, and there is one existing municipal water and sewer connection for the east lot while the west lot would require an additional connection, which is possible with the provision of municipal water and sewer services in the hamlet. The cost of connecting to the municipal water and sewer for the vacant new west lot will be at the expense of the developer.

Council asked if the new lots are going to be subject to the connection fee that existing laws have in regard to putting in new lines, as there were some that deferred payments until they developed and ran up a lot of money. Janzen and Harty said that there is no outstandin­g venture holding in Monarch. They both stated that everybody who’s paid won’t be subject to it.

Council ultimately made a motion to approve, and approved the subdivisio­n applicatio­n subject to the conditions outlined in the draft resolution.

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