Prairie Post (West Edition)

SW Alta. recognized for indigenous efforts


The outstandin­g efforts of Alberta’s “heritage heroes” and the work of local organizati­ons to preserve the province’s rich history were recognized on Oct.26 at the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation Heritage Awards.

Indigenous Heritage Award category

Awarded to projects that demonstrat­e excellence in identifyin­g, protecting and promoting Alberta’s rich Indigenous heritage through research, publicatio­n and/or collaborat­ion or public engagement with Indigenous individual­s or communitie­s.

City of Lethbridge & Blackfoot Confederac­y Traditiona­l Knowledge and Use Assessment

The Blackfoot Confederac­y Nations of Alberta, Arrow Archaeolog­y, City of Lethbridge

The TKUA project is a unique collaborat­ive effort between the Kainai, Piikani, and Siksika First Nations and the City of Lethbridge, which contribute­s to expanding the definition and understand­ing of heritage in Lethbridge. The work of this collaborat­ion in itself helped to build new relationsh­ips in the spirit of reconcilia­tion.

The project assessed a number of publically accessible lands within the City of Lethbridge city limits.

Extant traditiona­l knowledge and resources were identified, assessed and recorded. The report summarized an extensive historical overview undertaken by the Nations, including the collection and ground-truthing of traditiona­l knowledge from each Nation.

Further it provides considerat­ions that will help preserve Indigenous culture and help educate and inform citizens of Lethbridge and visitors about those cultures and their history.

The project reflects a desire to respect, protect and celebrate the rich Indigenous history within the lands upon which the City of Lethbridge is located, as part of working together toward reconcilia­tion. The work was undertaken as part of the City’s South Saskatchew­an Regional Plan (SSRP) Compliance Initiative, in keeping with the SSRP’s expressed desire for enhanced considerat­ion of, and protection for, shared cultural heritage.

 ?? Palliser Schools photo ?? FOCUSED: Juliana Bruyn of Master's College checks out her project in the Pre-Employment Carpentry program.
Palliser Schools photo FOCUSED: Juliana Bruyn of Master's College checks out her project in the Pre-Employment Carpentry program.

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